Re: speed of testtext, directionality

Karl Koehler <> writes:

> #2: Strange behaviour of the arabic shaper when appending text to the end 
> ot the line in left-to-right mode:
> Actually, in this case, no shaping is done, and the characters do not 
> appear ( Or only unshaped, if you have iso10646-1 encoded fonts ).
> In this case, even though several arabic letters may have been typed,
> any shaper's PangoAnalysis reveals that we are in a left-to-right run
> of characters : analysis->level % 2 == 0 ! 
> Amazingly enough, bidi-reordering is done correctly, but nontheless this
> is wrong. Because of this, the arabic shaper in its current state falls 
> back to not shape the letters. 
> A workaround woud be to do reshaping in any case and not check the
> level; but I'd rather like to find out why exactly the directionality
> does not seem correct.

Hmmm - I can't seem to reproduce this. If I create an empty
buffer in texttext, in LTR mode, and start typing in arabic
characters, they are shaped as I would expect.

Maybe you can give a bit more detailed instructions as to
how to reproduce this?


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