Re: XIM application frozen on gtk+1.3.*

>> If we either disable or remove GDK's XIM, GTK+ applications and widgets
>> have to trasfer to new IM Framework in order to get input method worked,
>> correct? Hmm, how many gnome applications and widgets are there
>> which directly uses gdk_im_* APIs? I know Mozilla does..
>Its a very small set. Mozilla may be the only app that is handling
>anything more than RootWindow mode.
>I think changing the IM APIs is the price of progress. With the 
>new input-method module stuff, we get:
> - Non-XIM based input methods like the compose methods shipped
>   with GTK+. (Which will include features such as hex-entry of unicode)
>   These are very simple to write, so people can easily write input
>   methods for there own languages.
>   Writing new input methods for XIM is very difficult.
> - A much simplified API, so people should be able to use the input
>   methods more easily than they coudl with GdkIM
> - Ability to use new systems like IIIMF.

Sounds neat. I think all gnome/gtk new applications/widgets should get the
stuff, too if they require input methods. Is there any on-going work?


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