Documenting signals with gtk-doc

Hello everyone,
it is possible to use gtk-doc to document signals from inside the code,
similary to what is done for functions?

I've tried putting a gtk-doc comment before the creation of the signal,
but without success: the signals are detected (the file *.signals is
correctly created and filled) but they don't show up in the documentation.

This is an example:

  * GnomeSpellCheckerDialog::next-word:
  * This signal is emitted every time the dialog needs a new word to
  * check.
  * Returns: the word to check or NULL if there are no more words. If
  * word is non-NULL it has to be a dinamically allocated string that
  * will be free'd by the signal.
  signals [NEXT_WORD] =
      g_signal_new ("next-word",
          G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
          G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeSpellCheckerDialogClass, next_word),
          NULL, NULL,

I should put this in the templates instead?

Complimenti per l'ottima scelta.

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