Re: Modal dialogs in Gtk 1.2

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Jacob Zachariah wrote:

I need to implement modal dialogs in Gtk1.2 as that's
what the target platform supports. I know in Gtk2 i
can do it thru gtk_dialog_run etc.. but i need to do
it in gtk1.2 instead.

I saw on a site, where they say you can use a
secondary gtk_main() for the modal dialog. Is that the
best way or is there another? any good examples?

A secondary gtk_main() does not make a dialog modal, it makes the dialog blocking, which is a different thing:

modal: the user can't activate any other part of the GUI until the dialog box is dismissed.

blocking: in the function where the dialog is created, execution will not continue until the dialog is dismissed (there should be a
gtk_main_quit() attached to that event).

In gtk 1.2 you can use gtk_window_set_modal() to create modality,
if that is what you want.

Many coders consider modal dialogs evil.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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