Re: Distinguish column header from normal button

On 9/14/05, Federico Mena Quintero <federico ximian com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 23:45 +0200, Richard Stellingwerff wrote:
> > To distinguish Column headers from normal buttons, I check if its
> > parent is a GtkTreeView or a GtkCList. A horrible way, but afaik the
> > only way.
> > In order to properly distinguish a column header from a normal button,
> > I was thinking about setting a name on the column header button, using
> > gtk_widget_set_name. Perhaps something like "Header:First",
> > "Header:Middle", and "Header:Last".
> The right way to do it is to add a private API to GtkButton, so that the
> tree view can tell the button which hint to pass to the gtk_paint_*()
> functions.  The theme engine will then use this hint to draw the proper
> box type for the tree column's buttons.

By "hint," do you actually mean the 'detail' parameter that gets
passed on to gtk_paint_*()? Simply changing that would break a lot of
themes that currently don't know how to handle the new 'detail'.

> Speaking of Clearlooks... currently, the hints that get passed to the
> gtk_paint*() functions are totally undocumented.  Theme authors have to
> dig in the GTK+ sources to see how each widget draws itself.  It would
> be *fantastic* if you could cook a list of the hints for each widget,
> and leave it as a reference for other theme authors :)

Again, I asume you mean the 'detail' here. I won't make any promises,
but I'll consider documenting it.

Kind regards,
Richard Stellingwerff.

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