Re: Proposal for 2.8: Glog

Dnia 04-05-2005, śro o godzinie 07:39 +0000, Dov Grobgeld napisał:
> Does this library only support logging of text messages, or is
> it also possible to log other type of data? Here is an example
> what I would like to have:
>     << start of log >>
>     12:00:00  Starting algo loop            # <-- A rich text message
>     12:10:01  <image/png>: Video snapshot   # <- mime/type and message
>               +----------------+
>               |                |
>               |                |
>               |  Image         |
>               |                |
>               +----------------+
>     12:10:00 Saturation: No                 # <-- A table with textmessage
>              Max GL:     230
>     12:10:01 <graph/svg>: Projection on x-axis   # <-- Another mimetype
>               ^
>               |
>               |         /\
>               | /\     /  \
>               |/  \___/    \
>               +--------------->
>     :
>     << end of log >>
> Of course you would employ some filter in order to view
> such a log under different technologies. E.g. in a console you 
> cannot see the images and the graphs. In a browser window you
> would see all graphic contents and links to non-graphics contents,
> like e.g. audio.
> I tend to debug various iterative algorithms, and having a facility
> like what is described here, would help me a lot.

Answer is: not directly, but you can do pretty much everything you want.
There is hook for registering print handlers for objects of different
types, and you can simply print them out with magic string of some kind,
encoded in base64 or similar. Then you write custom app to parse and
format such output, and voila. This also answers Stefan's wishlist,
because what he really wants is pretty GUI interpreter for GLog output,
not any magic facilities in Glog itself :).


Maciej Katafiasz <ml mathrick org>

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