libglade - bug#163322


I want to raise attention to Bug#163322. This effectivly breaks
backwards compatibility for libglade-using applications. As a Debian
maintainer of libglade, this brings me in the unfortunate position
that I'll have to revert the incompatible change, so that application
work with libglade as expected, thus deviating from upstream. OTOH,
some applications have already adapted to the new behaviour of
libglade 2.4.1 in unreleased CVS versions, and these versions are
already in Debian unstable (however, they are *not* scheduled for the
next stable release, aka Sarge). This is a really bad situation, since
the two libraries are not parallel-installable (same SONAME). So, I'd
like to know how upstream intends to handle this; I can see two

1) Release 2.4.2 with the offending change reverted, stating that 2.4.1
   is borked and should not be used

2) Release 2.4.2 with a new SONAME, stating that 2.4.1 is borked and should 
   not be used

I think 2) is not viable, since the GNOME platform API/ABI rules say
that you are not allowed to break ABI during stable releases.

I'm really awaiting feedback from upstream, since this issue should be
solved best in consensus of Debian and upstream; i.e. I would like to
avoid Debian deviating from GNOME upstream in such and important area
as library behaviour.

Regards, Rotty
Andreas Rottmann         | Rotty ICQ      | 118634484 ICQ | a rottmann gmx at      | GnuPG Key:
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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