RE: HIG Dialog widget proposal

On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 11:29, Tommi Komulainen wrote:

> > > Perhaps the solution is the only allow tags like <u> and <i>?  That way the developer 
> > > can place emphasis on text still, but the actual sizing and boldness of the text is
> > > limited to the HIG?
> > 
> > Limiting to only a certain set of tags would be tricky to implement.
> > And anyways, that's the implicit effect of putting the default
> > attributes on a span surrounding all the user implied markup.
> I've implemented a HigAlert dialog in galeon
> ( and I figured
> I'd rather not add implicit markup, but rather set the default font
> attributes for the primary label instead.  That way it should be pretty
> transparent.
> Basically I'm doing the following:
> 	size = pango_font_description_get_size (widget->style->font_desc);
> 	font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string ("bold");
> 	pango_font_description_set_size (font_desc, size * PANGO_SCALE_LARGE);
> 	gtk_widget_modify_font (widget, font_desc);
> I wonder if there's something inherently bad with the above.  It works,
> though :)

No, nothing bad about the above; though you need a connection to
::style-set to handle dynamic changes in the system font size.

I thought about describing doing it this way but figured it would
clutter up my mail too much.

The end result shoudl be identical to putting:

 <span weight="bold" size="large"> </span>

around the string as markup.


 OK, well, I'd probably do:

 font_desc = pango_font_description_new ();
 pango_font_description_set_weight (font_desc, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD);

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