
Where can i find an api doc for Xft? (ggogle couldn't find one)

I'm tracing a gtk/pango/xft bug (i think;).

In xc/lib/Xft1/xftfreetype.c

There is:

    if (XftPatternGetString (pattern, XFT_FILE, 0, &filename) != XftResultMatch)
        goto bail0;

    if (XftPatternGetInteger (pattern, XFT_INDEX, 0, &id) != XftResultMatch)
        goto bail0;

    file = _XftFreeTypeOpenFile (filename, id);
    if (!file)
        goto bail0;

In gdb, filename is: /usr/local/lib/msttcorefonts/verdana.ttf
id is: 0

ls -l /usr/local/lib/msttcorefonts/verdana.ttf:

  -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     staff      139640 Dec 12  1998

This fails: file = _XftFreeTypeOpenFile (filename, id);

The statement that fails in _XftFreeTypeOpenFile (filename, id) is:

  if (FT_New_Face (_XftFTlibrary, file, id, &face))
      return 0;

_XftFTlibrary is: 0
file is: /usr/local/lib/msttcorefonts/verdana.ttf
id is: 0
face is a struct.

I have run fc-cache -f on all my system font directories.
fc-list shows:
  Verdana:style=Bold Italic

I'm using GTK+-2.4 that i compiled with gcc-3.3.

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