Re: HButtonBox edge buttons theming patch

> On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 13:26, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> > I think this functionality would make most sense as a generalized
> > "context-sensitive" theming, by e.g. allowing to classify the
> parent-child-relation in
> > paths in rc files. Ie, instead of  GtkHButtonBox.GtkButton, allow to
> write
> > GtkHButtonBox.[left].GtkButton or GtkTable.[topleft].*
> But is this possible in the current infrastructure? Do you suggest
> making special classes that show up in the widget-class hierarchy, so it
> can be used in the "widget_class" directive of gtkrc files?

No, this would have to be implemented in the parser for gtkrc paths.
> Another possible implementation would be to use widget-naming with
> gtk_widget_set_name(), or otherwise stick with using the "detail" field
> as passed onto gtk_paint_*() functions. (like my current patch does for
> GtkHButtonBox)

Sure, widget names together with a custom rc file can be used to achieve
this effect for a fixed application, but not as a general theming mechanism.
You can't force all apps to name their buttons "leftmost-in-buttonbox" or 

> Or are other roads available to make "generalised context-sensitive
> theming" possible?

First of all I'd investigate if you can write a theme engine which does
I think it should be doable, since the paint functions in GtkStyle have
to the widget they're drawing, so should be able to figure out the context
information by looking at the parent and siblings.


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