Re: Suggestion for the actual UI of GTK+'s NewFileSelector

Jens Ansorg schrieb:
what is the reason for those buttons anyway?

If you want to go e.g. two directories up, you have to

- move to the optionmenu, click, move, click (or press, move, release)
  in the tigert variant
- move to the wanted directory, click
  in eugenias variant

of course using the scroll wheel on an optionmenu is as efficient as the second variant, I simply don't have one here to test whether it works.

imho, having to scroll this pathfinder horizontally seems much worse
(horizontal scrolling is never a good idea, i.e. it does not work with
the mouse wheel) than using the simple path dropdown like in this screen

that is not a must: e.g. you can scroll horizontal scrollbars with the wheel. Remember: it simply maps to a mouse button press.


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