Re: GtkColorPickerButton

On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 23:29, Adrian Feiguin wrote:
> Maybe you would like to take a look at the gtkcolorcombo widget
> in gtkextra (, the latest version is
> cvs. It served as a model for the widget used in gnumeric: when you
> the toggle button, is displays a little popup with a table of colors
and a
> button to customize (i.e, open a color selection dialog). It's very
> compact and more versatile than a simple button to open a color
> dialog (I guess this is what you are talking about), sorry if I got it
> wrong. Saludos,

Its advantage is that it is more compact than a full color selection
dialog, but it duplicates the palette which is (optionally) part of the
color selection dialog anyway, and offers an unusual UI, a "gridded"
menu, which is not found elsewhere in gtk. The button looks like an
option menu, but it doesn't behave like one (the menu is mapped on
release and is sticky, whereas for an option menu you would expect it to
be mapped on press and allow selection on release). And if you don't
want one of the preset colors, its one more click to the dialog.


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