Re: C++ templates equivalent in GObject

On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 08:22:13PM -0800, Jerry Kakol wrote:
> Is there a generic, prescription like method to implement equivalency of
> C++ templates using GObject? Let's say a template of an dynamicaly sized
> array parameterized by the type of elements to be stored.
> Some kind of solution are GArray and GByteArray, but they are not
> GObjects. And far from being generic.

I don't think the question you're asking makes any sense. GArray is as
generic as it gets in C (it is parameterized; what it isn't is
typesafe, but you can't fix that in plain C).

I'm not sure what GObject has to do with it. GObject is a
heavierweight thing than a C++ class, and isn't as general-purpose.


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