Re: Completion API and ComboBox API extension

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 10:45, Kristian Rietveld wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 16:38, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I still think it's a mistake to offer only a Stuff In The Data API and
> > no Use My Own Model API. (Assuming that's the case, as far as I can
> > tell it is.)
> Actually we only offer a "Use My Own Model" API and no "Stuff In The
> Data" API. I think you are confused with the API which adds actions to
> the completion popup.

To clarify "actions" here are the 'Search google for "..."' and so
forth. [1]

My thought on "Stuff in the Data" API would be that you might
want to mirror the egg_combo_box_new_text()/egg_combo_box_append_text()/
etc. API. I think a single column text model is going to be
the 95% use case, so it's worth making it really easy to use.

It's possible though that what Havoc means is that he wants to 
avoid the match function and just provide the end model of matches.
You can obviously get the same effect with using 'true' as
your match function, the question is whether the performance 
gain of avoiding the filtering is worth it.


[1] Hmm, if we want to able to implement mozilla style change on
    the fly as you type, you are going to need setters as well
    as insert/delete or it will inevitably flicker.

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