default label wrapping width


In a word, "why?"  Why doesn't the label wrapping work the same
way that GtkTextView does?  TextView will try to use its whole
space allocation.  With the width-request property, we can
specify the minimum amount of width that TextView requires.

Labels, on the other hand, wrap to a hard coded width which
is dependent on the current font.  Overriding the width-request
can change this minimum width, but the label ignores its space
allocation.  It doesn't expand to use extra space.

For example, if I have a dialog box that is resizable then the
labels which are word-wrapping do not adjust themselves to
fill extra space after expanding the window.

Is there some backward compatibility reason for this behavior?
Is it a bug?  Shall I file it in bugzilla?

Victory to the Divine Mother!!         after all,        

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