Re: new win32 port of GTK


I've been following this for a bit, and thought I would add my two cents, so to speak.

James Michael DuPont wrote:


See section 3 of the GPL : ----------------------------------------------------------------
"The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special
exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that
is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the
major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system
on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable. "

"is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the
major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system"

libiconv, gettext, glib and gtk are distributed with debian and are
easy to compile. The sources are effectivly in the same place.

Under windows it is a nightmare!
The port to windows needs all of that this is very clearly covered by
the GPL.

Yes. I'm sure it is a nightmare. However, I don't read the GPL has requiring distribution of those libraries. The GPL says the source code needs to contain: the source, interface definition files and Makefiles (or the like). It says nothing about external libraries. The GPL goes on to say that the source code does not need to distribute anything that is not common on the operating system. I understand this to say that it does not need to distribute/include anything that relates to or is requried by the [source, interface definition files or Makefiles]. No where in the list of things to distribute does the GPL say that libraries the program links to, or other programs the program may depend on need to be distributed at the same place as the source code.

Therefore, provides the sources and win32 binaries. What is the problem? Furthermore, if you look at (or v2.0/dependencies or what have you) You see liibjpeg, libpng and libtiff! Goodness! Its not as if these additional libaries are difficult to track down or anything. The Gtk+ team goes above and beyond by providing the source to these libraries. Many other GPL projects merely provide a link to the website of the library, and require the user to navigate and track down the source.


So, I think that my criticism of the practices at the time in july were
valid and fair. Since then I have taken steps to fix the problem and
present a set of sources that are in full compliance with the gpl. Please do give my effort at least a reference from your GTK+ page, many people do not know about this work,and would benefit from it.

Honestly, I don't think people would benefit from it terribly. You're merely providing yet another build of the source. You may be following a different interpretation of the GPL, and may have a different build system, but the fact remains that it is merely another build for the win32 platform. I see no reason to replace or even coexist with Tor & Hans' work, which is sanctioned by the Gtk+ already. Why give people, especially Windows users, the kind of confusion that will stem from two differing versions of Gtk+ for Windows? If you have fault with the Gtk+ win32 team, why not attemp to work with them, rather than breaking away like this?

thanks, mike

James Michael DuPont

Just my unsollicited thoughts on the subject. I am in no way part of the Gtk+ team or development, merely an interested developer of Gtk+ applications.


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