Re: Thoughts about a new GdkPixbuf transform interface

Owen Taylor wrote:

- No support for rotation (or other arbitrary transforms)

I'm sorry to say this, but you could mention already working implementtion of arbitrary transforms:

Anyway, I'm glad there's some attention.

What I was thinking of:

GdkPixbufTransform *gdk_pixbuf_transform_new (GdkPixbuf *source);

void       gdk_pixbuf_transform_rotate          (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
						 gdouble             angle);
void       gdk_pixbuf_transform_scale           (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
						 gdouble             scale_x,
						 gdouble             scale_y);
void       gdk_pixbuf_transform_offset          (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
						 gdouble             offset_x,
						 gdouble             offset_y);

That's fine for me.

void       gdk_pixbuf_transform_set_affine      (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
						 double              a00,
						 double              a01,
						 double              a02,
						 double              a10,
						 double              a11,
						 double              a12);

What is "affine" anyway?
Natural values for arbitrary transform is offset + 2x2 matrix, as in formula:

| dest_x |   | offset_x |     | m00 m01 | | src_x |
| dest_y | = | offset_y |  +  | m10 m11 |*| src_y |

all above operations are easy to represent in this terms, and combine.
(rotate, scale, offset)

    | cos(angle) -sin(angle) |
m *= | sin(angle)  cos(angle) |

m *= scale

         | add_offset_x |
offset += | add_offset_y |

Not only easier implementation, it's easier to understand.

/* Composite onto a pixbuf */
void       gdk_pixbuf_transform_composite       (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
						 GdkPixbuf          *dest,
						 int                 render_x,
						 int                 render_y,
						 int                 render_width,
						 int                 render_height);

What's this? I just don't get it.
if "Composite" stands for
- "render", "do the transform", then why we need any more arguments? OK, some
constrains. How can I get the bounds of the result?
- "remove alpha channel using dst", so we actualy do reverse transformation?! Confusing.

/* Convenience function to create a pixbuf from the bounding box of the
* transformed source and composite_color() on it.
GdkPixbuf *gdk_pixbuf_transform_output          (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
						 guint32             bg_color);

I'd prefer _rotate_simple, _scale_simple, etc.
Why anyone need bg_color? Window background works fine. Faster in some circumstances?
It's no good to inculde every very special case in API.

typedef enum GdkPixbufEdgeMode {

/* Specify what to do for source pixels off the edge */
void gdk_pixbuf_transform_set_edge_mode (GdkPixbufTransform *transform,
					 GdkPixbufEdgeMode   mode);

What's this?!
Absolutly no idea what this is all _about_.

 /* Double the size of a pixbuf and rotate by 90 degrees
 GdkPixbufTransform *transform = gdk_pixbuf_transform_new ();
 gdk_pixbuf_transform_scale (transform, 2., 2.);
 gdk_pixbuf_transform_rotate (transform, 90.);
 GdkPixbufTransform *result = gdk_pixbuf_transform_output (transform);
 g_object_unref (transform);

Just confusing... Result is Transform, not Pixbuf?.. What for?..

 /* Render a pixbuf at half size in 'dest', offset by 100 pixels
 GdkPixbufTransform *transform = gdk_pixbuf_transform_new ();
 gdk_pixbuf_transform_scale (transform, 0.5, 0.5);
 gdk_pixbuf_transform_offset (transform, 100., 100.);
 gdk_pixbuf_transform_composite (transform, dest,
				  100, 100, width/2, height/2);
 g_object_unref (transform);

Fine. Here's another convinience function: rotate using src center coords to dst_xy

Notable differences from the old API:


- Checks feature of composite_color() removed. Was a silly demo-app thing,
  and won't be significantly faster than just filling a destination

My suggestions:
- Remove any bg_color, composite, etc. It is very special-case.
I see no reason why someone wants to replace alpha channel with color
or checkerboard. Checkerboard effect: load one cell pixbuf, clone it on
another pixbuf large enough, transform the image, here you are. 20 lines of code. - Think of adding real clipping area, instead of silly render_x/render_width
(if I get it right). This will make real impact on game-like stuff, improves
double-buffer code.

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