Re: gtk2 win32 port stability

On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 10:21, Diana Esch-Mosher wrote:
> Hello,
> In an article the win32 port of
> gtk2 was categorized as "unstable". In the comments section a person
> stated:
> "GTK+ Portability ? Nope, the win32 Port was a one man show."

It used to be, but now the main gtk code tree has all the win32 stuff in
it.  And it is portable.  If you program carefully, using glib routines
as much as possible to help with things like file i/o and process
creation, then a configure --target=i386-mingw32 is all you need to
retarget a gtk project.  

> I have searched the www to have these allegations substantiated/refuted
> and have come up empty handed. I am at a decision point to port a gtk
> 1.3 application which used gtkglarea (ugh!) to gtk2 and possibly
> gtkglext. But windows has become an important platform and to ensure
> success I am considering a wxWindows re-write. Can you give me some
> information of the past/current/future status of the gtk2 port to
> windows. Is it stable???

GTK2 for win32 itself is very stable.  I have used it for a couple of
projects, neither of which were large, but one was very graphics
intensive.  worked great. I even managed to compile the c++ bindings for
c++ and they worked without changes too.


> Thanks,
Michael L Torrie <torriem chem byu edu>

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