Re: Row height sizes in GTK wigits with font changes

On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 03:26, richard terry wrote:

> 1)Anomaly in space taken by rows in list boxes with different font sizes. in 
> GTK as the font size decreases, the row size seems not to proportionally 
> decrease, leading to loss of valuable screen real estate. This is best 
> illustrated in the accompanying png file (font_creep_wxPtyhonLists.png) where 
> I have set roughly the same font in a listbox on wxPython(on the left) and on 
> QT designer (on the right). As you will see  one can fit more items in the qt 
> list box compared to the GTK one, and quite a lot of line space is left blank 
> above the text in GTK.

>From your screenshots, it looks like you are using GtkCList and the
obsolete X font backend to GTK+. It's really pretty hard for us to
give an answer for those circumstances - my best guess is that 
for some reason GTK+ is using a fontset where some of the fonts aren't
available in small bitmap sizes.

> 2)The second ongoing  problem is that it seems not possible, despite the flags 
> present, to have borderless controls (not 3D) controls. Whilst this may seem 
> petty having a 3d border round the text boxes and sometimes other controls 
> can interfere in some cases with design, and again means ultimately (I know 
> this seems petty) less room on the screen, when space is at a premium

You are going to have to be more specific here. As far as we know,
it's quite possible to have a GTK+ theme with 1 pixel or even 0
pixel borders, and for the theme to draw the borders however it likes.

And there is a specific call to make GtkEntry borderless without
any resort to the theming system.


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