Re: gtk 2.0 on win32 bugs?

Fabio Zanetta writes:
 > I found out some big problems running gtk2 on win32...

 > In particular I did some test C# progs that wrap the GTK2 libs... 


 > on Linux all is ok, on win32 there is problems even with labels:
 > buttons and entries cannot even show their labels, I cannot edit
 > the text into entries and so on.

Yes, there are problems...  but not that kind of problems. Please try
to build some test program written in C, for instance testgtk, and
verify that labels and entry fields work OK in it. If you see problems
in such basic functionality in your C# progs, I would suspect that
it's the C# stuff that somehow mixes up things...

If you are using my prebuilt DLLs, are you sure that the C# wrapper is
built so that it uses the same struct packing conventions that the
DLLs were built with? (-fnative-struct in gcc 2.x, -mms-bitfields in
gcc 3.x) (This is used when building GTK+ so that the same DLLs can be
used both from gcc- and MSVC-compiled code.)

 > Is there so big differences on working for these two versions?  All
 > these are knowns issues?

There certainly are known differences and issues, but labels and entry
fields shouldn't be among them.

The differences and isses should AFAIK mostly be related to the more
esoteric drawing modes involving stipples and tiles, pixel-level
drawing differences, big windows (>32k coordinates), drag-and-drop and
selections, etc. And only in the past couple of days have I fixed
various screen update errors related to scrolling (or moving) child
windows inside a clipping parent window. GTK+ 2.0 is still kinda in
flux on Win32.


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