new docs format


As far as I know GTK+ docs are built now with Docbook XML.
I've noticed that the built documentation has different format from the one
before when docs were built from sgmls. I've attached index.html and
gtk-Feature-Test-Macros.html (chapter "Version Information") to this message.
Could anyone please take a look at these files and compare to the ones you

Thanks in advance,

Title: Version Information
GTK+ Reference Manual
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Version Information

Version Information — variables and functions to check the GTK+ version.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

extern      const guint gtk_major_version;
extern      const guint gtk_minor_version;
extern      const guint gtk_micro_version;
extern      const guint gtk_binary_age;
extern      const guint gtk_interface_age;
gchar*      gtk_check_version               (guint required_major,
                                             guint required_minor,
                                             guint required_micro);

#define     GTK_BINARY_AGE
#define     GTK_CHECK_VERSION               (major,minor,micro)


GTK+ provides version information, primarily useful in configure checks for builds that have a configure script. Applications will not typically use the features described here.



extern const guint gtk_major_version;

The major version number of the GTK+ library. (e.g. in GTK+ version 1.2.5 this is 1.)

This variable is in the library, so represents the GTK+ library you have linked against. Contrast with the GTK_MAJOR_VERSION macro, which represents the major version of the GTK+ headers you have included.


extern const guint gtk_minor_version;

The minor version number of the GTK+ library. (e.g. in GTK+ version 1.2.5 this is 2.)

This variable is in the library, so represents the GTK+ library you have linked against. Contrast with the GTK_MINOR_VERSION macro, which represents the minor version of the GTK+ headers you have included.


extern const guint gtk_micro_version;

The micro version number of the GTK+ library. (e.g. in GTK+ version 1.2.5 this is 5.)

This variable is in the library, so represents the GTK+ library you have linked against. Contrast with the GTK_MICRO_VERSION macro, which represents the micro version of the GTK+ headers you have included.


extern const guint gtk_binary_age;

This is the binary age passed to libtool. If libtool means nothing to you, don't worry about it. ;-)


extern const guint gtk_interface_age;

This is the interface age passed to libtool. If libtool means nothing to you, don't worry about it. ;-)

gtk_check_version ()

gchar*      gtk_check_version               (guint required_major,
                                             guint required_minor,
                                             guint required_micro);

Checks that the GTK+ library in use is equal to the given version. Primarily useful to compare the header file version (from GTK_MAJOR_VERSION, GTK_MINOR_VERSION, GTK_MICRO_VERSION) the the runtime library version. This should only be done in the build for your application, to check that the user's libraries and header files are the same. Applications should not do this when deployed, because it's OK for applications to use a different micro version of GTK+ than the one they were compiled against.

required_major :the required major version.
required_minor :the required major version.
required_micro :the required major version.
Returns :NULL if the GTK+ library is compatible with the given version, or a string describing the version mismatch.


#define GTK_MAJOR_VERSION				(2)

Like gtk_major_version, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


#define GTK_MINOR_VERSION				(1)

Like gtk_minor_version, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


#define GTK_MICRO_VERSION				(0)

Like gtk_micro_version, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


#define GTK_BINARY_AGE					(100)

Like gtk_binary_age, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


#define GTK_INTERFACE_AGE				(0)

Like gtk_interface_age, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


#define     GTK_CHECK_VERSION(major,minor,micro)

Returns TRUE if the version of the GTK+ header files is the same as the passed-in version.

major :major version (e.g. 1 for version 1.2.5)
minor :minor version (e.g. 2 for version 1.2.5)
micro :micro version (e.g. 5 for version 1.2.5)
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Title: GTK+ Reference Manual

GTK+ Reference Manual

Table of Contents

I. GTK+ Overview
Compiling the GTK+ libraries - How to compile GTK+ itself
Compiling GTK+ Applications - How to compile your GTK+ application
Running GTK+ Applications - How to run and debug your GTK+ application
Using GTK+ on Windows - Windows-specific aspects of using GTK+
Using GTK+ on the Framebuffer - Linux framebuffer aspects of using GTK+
Using GTK+ on the X Window System - X11 aspects of using GTK+
Changes from 1.0 to 1.2 - Incompatible changes made between version 1.0 and version 1.2
Changes from 1.2 to 2.0 - Incompatible changes made between version 1.2 and version 2.0
Mailing lists and bug reports - Getting help with GTK+
Common Questions - Find answers to common questions in the GTK+ manual
II. GTK+ Core Reference
Main loop and Events - Library initialization, main event loop, and events
Keyboard Accelerator Groups - Groups of global keyboard accelerators for an entire GtkWindow
Accelerator Maps -
Clipboards - Storing data on clipboards.
Drag and Drop - Functions for controlling drag and drop handling.
Stock Items - Prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons
Themeable Stock Images - Manipulating stock icons
Resource Files - Routines for handling resource files
GtkSettings -
Bindings -
Standard Enumerations - Public enumerated types used throughout GTK+.
Graphics Contexts - provides access to a shared pool of GdkGC objects.
Styles -
Selections - Functions for handling inter-process communication via selections.
Version Information - variables and functions to check the GTK+ version.
Signals - Object methods and callbacks.
Types - Handle run-time type creation.
III. GTK+ Widgets and Objects
Object Hierarchy
Display Widgets
Buttons and Toggles
Numeric/Text Data Entry
Multiline Text Editor
Tree and List Widget
Menus, Combo Box, Toolbar
Selectors (File/Font/Color/Input Devices)
Layout Containers
Abstract Base Classes
Cross-process Embedding
Special-purpose features
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Part I. GTK+ Overview

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