gthread once

Dear All,

To the bug 69688 I have attached (attachment id 6767) a patch with fast
implementation of g_thread_once(). I is implementad in terms of already
present gthread abstraction. I does not block the whole system while running
the once handler but only all threads waiting on the particular once guard.

the test case thread-test has been extended to run the once test also.

Could you review the fix and apply if appropriate?


GThreadOnce myonceguard = G_THREAD_ONCE_INIT;

void myoncefunc (void)
	do some initialization

void f (void)
	g_thread_once (myonceguard, &myoncefunc);

the function myoncefunc will be executed only once independent of the number
of g_thread_once (myonceguard, &myoncefunc) calls.
Miroslaw Dobrzanski-Neumann

Base Development and Research
Tel +49-2225-882-291
Fax +49-2225-882-201
E-mail: mne mosaic-ag com

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