Re: 6 API-ish issues

Hi ,

This issue about whether focussing an entry should 
take PRIMARY is really getting hot. I'm afraid I'm heavily biased, too, 
havin the following in mind :
a) select some  text
b) clear entry
c) paste this text into entry
Using the clipboard, this is easy: a) is select and put into clipboard,
and c) restores from the clipboad; but requires extra key-presses.
I know some people who love this on windows; I don't.
With PRIMARY only, this is also clearly possible if focussing the entry
in b) does not take the selection. In emacs-like entries, type ^a^k
( cursor to front, delete-to-end-of-line ) to do this .
Maybe one can assign a key to "delete content of entry".

I have not understood how PRIMARY can still work as Cut&Paste system
for a widget if it takes PRIMARY on getting focus; maybe somebody can
enlighten me ?
If I have two entries, and want to append some text of one into the other,
how would that work ( assuming that positioning the cursor requires
having focus ) ?
Because if is does not, one could keep the paste-feature, silently,
and do the highlighting without touching the selection...


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