Re: Why aren't all simple structs Boxed Types?

Murray Cumming wrote:

On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 17:58, Havoc Pennington wrote:

murrayc t-online de (Murray Cumming) writes:
So why are some structs (for instance, GtkTextIter) not Boxed Types,
even though they seem to have a similar set of new/copy/free functions?

TextIter is a boxed type, look at gtk-boxed.defs.

But I can't find a gtk_text_iter_get_type(), or any use of
g_boxed_type_register_static() with TextIter.

There is a GTK_TYPE_TEXT_ITER global variable. Generally you should be using the XXX_TYPE_* macros/global variables rather than the get_type() functions. This way you won't care if you are doing a function call or looking at a constant/variable.


Email: james daa com au

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