Re: accelerators

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, James Henstridge wrote:

> Tim Janik wrote:
> >hi all,
> >
> >one of the outstanding API issues is fixing accelerator behaviour.
> >i'll start with the basic rationale and then come to the planned changes.
> >
> >accelerators are the basic mechamism through which certain key combinations
> >can be assigned to menu items, to emit those menu item's ::activate signal
> >through keyboard shortcuts. we've also had a couple of requests to bind
> >arbitrary callbacks to accelerators, so accelerators are supposed to
> >accomplish that functionality in the future as well.
> >
> Is it enough to be able to attach accelerators to signals of objects not 
> derived from GtkWidget?  That is already possible with the current API 
> (I made use of it in that menu actions demo I wrote a few months back), 
> so preserving this ability might be sufficient.

yeah, good idea to write that. i investigated your code somewhat before
writing this proposal, and one thing that struck me hard was the efford
you had to put into making a GObject have an accelerator (eventhough
accel group has a bunch some conveience fucntins for that).
that's why in my local tree, i went away from that approach and based
the accel group API solely on closures:

struct _GtkAccelGroupClass
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  /* activation signal (GClosure signature):
   * gboolean   (*accel_activate)       (GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
   *                                     GObject        *acceleratable,
   *                                     guint           keyval,
   *                                     GdkModifierType modifier);
  void  (*accel_changed)        (GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
                                 guint           keyval,
                                 GdkModifierType modifier,
                                 GClosure       *accel_closure);

void            gtk_accel_group_connect         (GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
                                                 guint           accel_key,
                                                 GdkModifierType accel_mods,
                                                 GtkAccelFlags   accel_flags,
                                                 GClosure       *closure,
                                                 GQuark          path_quark);
gboolean        gtk_accel_group_disconnect      (GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
                                                 guint           accel_key,
                                                 GdkModifierType accel_mods);

(no gtk_accel_group_add/gtk_accel_group_remove anymore).
thus, if you're having plain GObjects, you just write a new closure
for them and connect those, without having to introduce signals or
similar on the object type. (the GQuark path_quark argument is only
required for runtime changable accelerators).

then, the accel label now looks like:

void       gtk_accel_label_set_accel_widget  (GtkAccelLabel *accel_label,
                                              GtkWidget     *accel_widget);
void       gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure (GtkAccelLabel *accel_label,
                                              GClosure      *closure);

i.e. you'd set your closure on an accel label, and it will monitor
changes on the closure via GtkAccelGroupClass.accel_changed().
the parameters to your closure are those of GtkAccelGroupClass.accel_activate()
internally the accel group uses a signal (without class method) to
activate accelerators now (signal detail being the accelerator
to activate).

> >in order to support runtime changable accelerators persistently (through
> >loading of accelerator assignments at program start and saving them upon
> >exit), gtk needs some kind of association of keyboard accelerator to
> >functionality. this currently works through item factory's menu paths,
> >e.g. we have a set of paths and accelerator pairs:
> >
> >("<DocumentWindow>/File/Quit", "<Ctrl>W")
> >("<DocumentWindow>/File/Open", "<Ctrl>O")
> >("<DocumentWindow>/Edit/Cut", "<Ctrl>X")
> >("<ImageWindow>/Edit/Cut", "<Ctrl>X")
> >("<ImageWindow>/Select/All", "<Ctrl>A")
> >
> >the paths consist of a window type in angle brackets and categorized
> >functionality. that's, so that changing e.g. <DocumentWindow>/Edit/Cut
> >to "<Alt>C" propagates to all <DocumentWindow>s of an application,
> >but the accelerator for <ImageWindow>/Edit/Cut for all windows which
> >display images can be changed independently from that.
> >
> >since a window can have multiple menus that come with different
> >sets of accelerators, we also have accelerator groups per menu
> >which get attached to the toplevel that uses this menu (e.g. in
> >a menu bar).
> >certain menus (e.g. right-click popups) may not be associated with
> >a single window, but are used for a set of similar windows, in those
> >cases, the menu's accelerator group needs to be added to all toplevels
> >of that set.
> >
> Or in the case of a merged set of menus, a few common menu items may 
> have accelerators specified in a shared accel group, which is probably 
> more common if you only use right click menus for context menus (as owen 
> suggested).

yeah, i've taken that into account now, multiple accelerators are
allowed in accel groups, though that might be irritating for the user
and is thusly not really recommended.

> >what we end up with is a set of accelerator assignments, a set
> >of accelerator groups and a set of toplevels with n:n relations, e.g.:
> >
> >Paths and accelerators:
> >	(<A>/Bar,<Ctrl>X)  (<C>/Foo,<Shft>Y)  (<B>/Baz,<Alt>Z)
> >                 \                /|\                /
> >                  \              / | \              /           
> >M*=MenuItems       M1           /  M3 \            M2
> >C*=Callbacks        \          C1  M4  C2         /
> >                     \        /    M5   \        /              
> >                      \      /     |     \      /
> >AccelGroups:           Group1    Group2   Group3
> >                          |       /|\       |                  
> >                          |      / | \      |                  
> >                          |     /  |  \     |                  
> >                          |    /   |   \    |                  
> >                          |   /    |    \   |                 
> >AcceleratableObjects:  Window1  Window2  Window3
> >
> >
> >based on this observation, it makes most sense to maintain:
> >1) a global map of (path,shortcut) pairs which tracks what
> >   accel groups use what pair
> >2) accelerator changed notification on accel groups (not widgets
> >   like we currently do)
> >3) a GtkAcceleratable interface that object types can implement which
> >   whish to support shortcuts
> >
> Is there likely to be anything other than GtkWindows that implement 
> GtkAcceleratable?

pondered this somewhat, and the honest answer is "not that i could
think of". still it feels a bit wrong to special GtkWindow in the accel
group/map implementations (which is what i ended up with) to figure
whether new accelerators would conflict with mnemonics.

> I don't know if it would be worth putting this here or in the GtkMenu 
> keypress code, but it would be useful to make a menu item a `proxy' for 
> some other object as far as accelerator changes.  With my menu actions 
> demo, the menu items only act as views of the action objects, and 
> accelerators were set on the actions rather than menu items.

certainly not the menu keypress code. to gain runtime changable
accelerators, you now have to call:

/* set the accel group to be used for accelerators of this menu's children */
void           gtk_menu_set_accel_path    (GtkMenu             *menu,
                                           const gchar         *accel_path);

/* associate an accel path with a shortcut, e.g.
 * ("<DocumentWindow>/File/Open", 'O', GDK_MOD_CONTROL)
GQuark     gtk_accel_map_add_entry      (const gchar            *accel_path,
                                         guint                   accel_key,
                                         guint                   accel_mods);

/* sync a menu item's accelerator with an accel path, e.g.:
 * (fopen_menu_item, "<DocumentWindow>/File/Open")
void       gtk_menu_item_set_accel_path (GtkMenuItem         *menu_item,
                                         const gchar         *accel_path);

/* or, as an alternative to gtk_menu_item_set_accel_path(), you can just
 * call gtk_menu_set_accel_path (menu, "<DocumentWindow>/File"); which
 * will automatically construct menu item accel paths with text from
 * their labels. this is especially usefull for menus where only a small
 * amount of menu items need accelerators initially, but the user should
 * still be able to newly install some.
void           gtk_menu_set_accel_path    (GtkMenu             *menu,
                                           const gchar         *accel_path);

with that, the menu key press handler shrunk to basically:

  changed = gtk_accel_map_change_entry (menu_item_accel_path,
                                        accel_key, accel_mods,
  if (!changed)
    gdk_beep ();

so going for proxying actionobject<->menuitem should just involve:
- implementing a special closure for proxy menu items, that activates
  the action object instead.
- propagating the action object accelerator back to the menu item

> >    void        gtk_accel_group_disconnect      (GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
> >                                                 guint           accel_key,
> >                                                 GdkModifierType accel_mods,
> >                                                 GClosure       *closure);
> >  (NULL paths are allowed, they'll instantly lock the accelerators though,
> >   as we can't save/load accelerators without path specification)
> >
> Sounds good.  So the object passed to gtk_accel_group_add() could be any 
> object, not having to implement any special signals or anything?

just a closure to be passed in now ;)

> What would the argument list for the closure in the connect/disconnect 
> pair be?  I don't know what I think about the naming 
> (gtk_accel_group_add vs gtk_accel_group_connect).

solved by getting rid of gtk_accel_group_add/remove().
the gtkwidget functions:

void       gtk_widget_add_accelerator     (GtkWidget           *widget,
                                           const gchar         *accel_signal,
                                           GtkAccelGroup       *accel_group,
                                           guint                accel_key,
                                           guint                accel_mods,
                                           GtkAccelFlags        accel_flags);
gboolean   gtk_widget_remove_accelerator  (GtkWidget           *widget,
                                           GtkAccelGroup       *accel_group,
                                           guint                accel_key,
                                           guint                accel_mods);

remain though. but accelerators set through them cannot be runtime
changable. (runtime changable accelerators on widgets (menu items)
are bound to having an accel path and always emitting the signal

> >
> >  introduce:
> >  void (*GtkAccelGroup::accel_changed)	(GtkAccelGroup *group,
> >                                         guint           accel_key,
> >                                         GdkModifierType accel_mods);
> >
> I could imagine things like bonobo possibly wanting to know about accel 
> changes.  Would this really be internal, or just something apps rarely use?

this is internal, for things like GtkAccelLabel and similar code.
bonobo, or the plug/socket code should use the GtkWindow::accels_changed
which proxies and coalesces notification occouring on the window's accel

> >- change GtkAccelGroup functions that currently take a GObject towards
> >  taking GtkAcceleratable (not the above _add/_remove of course). a few
> >  functions might also get deprecated and move into the GtkAcceleratable
> >  interface, such as:
> >  gboolean   gtk_accel_group_activate     (GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
> >                                           guint           accel_key,
> >                                           GdkModifierType accel_mods);
> >
> >- add
> >  void gtk_menu_set_accel_path (GtkMenu     *menu,
> >                                const gchar *accel_path);
> >  this is for menus on which accelerators should be runtime-changable,
> >  but which aren't created by GtkItemFactory. the accel_path is used to
> >  create accelerator paths for all those menu items that have a label.
> >
> What would be the best way to proxy accel changes for runtime accel 
> changes?  Currently, my demo just hooked add_accelerator and 
> remove_accelerator of the menu item, but this wasn't very good (removing 
> accelerators didn't work, because the menu item itself had no 
> accelerators to remove).

that's solved by purely going through:

GQuark     gtk_accel_map_add_entry      (const gchar            *accel_path,
                                         guint                   accel_key,
                                         guint                   accel_mods);
gboolean   gtk_accel_map_change_entry   (const gchar            *accel_path,
                                         guint                   accel_key,
                                         GdkModifierType         accel_mods,
                                         gboolean                replace);

your objects would just need to implement a bit of glue code to react
to notifcation about accel map entry (accel path) changes.
i.e. gtkwidget.c in its implementation of
void         _gtk_widget_set_accel_path   (GtkWidget           *widget,
                                           const gchar         *accel_path,
                                           GtkAccelGroup       *accel_group);
installs hooks on the accelmap through:
typedef void (*GtkAccelMapNotify)               (gpointer        data,
                                                 GQuark          accel_path_quark,
                                                 guint           accel_key,
                                                 guint           accel_mods,
                                                 GtkAccelGroup  *accel_group,
                                                 guint           old_accel_key,
                                                 guint           old_accel_mods);
void       gtk_accel_map_add_notifer    (const gchar            *accel_path,
                                         gpointer                notify_data,
                                         GtkAccelMapNotify       notify_func,
                                         GtkAccelGroup          *accel_group);

but as i said earlier, it'd probably be better and easier to
just propagate the accel_path from your action objects to menu items
and let the menu items use a closure that activates your action
object directly.

> >though this looks like a lot of changes, internally this is mostly moving
> >code from GtkMenu and GtkItemFactory into GtkAccelGroup and the accelerator
> >map. in terms of the public API changes, the expected amount of adaption
> >for third party code is also moderately small:
> >- apps that currently save/load accelerators through the item factory should
> >  simply use gtk_accelerator_map_load/gtk_accelerator_map_save instead
> >  (GNOME applications do this automatically through gnome-libs)
> >- apps that do not bother saving/loading should call
> >  gtk_accelerator_map_lock() after gtk_init()
> >- explicit accelerator installation (most people just do this through
> >  GtkItemFactory and won't notice) should be done through
> >  gtk_accel_group_add() and gtk_accel_group_remove() instead of
> >  gtk_widget_add_accelerator() and gtk_widget_remove_accelerator()
> >  unless we decide to keep those
> >- monitoring accelerator changes will work through a GtkAccelGroup
> >  signal now and not GtkWidget signals, i highly doubt people are
> >  actually doing that in their apps though (if so, i'd be interested
> >  in hearing why)
> >
> Overall, this sounds like a good change.  People get very confused 
> looking at the GtkAccelGroup header at the moment, as the majority of 
> the functions found in it are not meant to be used by normal apps :) 

jup, those are gone or made private now. it'll go into CVS as soon
as i have the docs on the remaining functions done ;)

>  Things get even more confusing when demos distributed with gtk use the 
> supposedly internal functions.  If this results in less APIs (it sounds 
> like it does), then that would be good.
> James.


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