Re: revised patch for glib compilation

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the feedback.  I have addressed all but one of your comments in 
the attached files -- if you could help me to understand how to resolve the 
remaining one, I'll do that and attach the result to bugzilla.  [[Aside: 
assuming it may take a number of months before this stuff arrives in CVS, I'm 
guessing that directly attaching the files is preferable to a large 
bitrotting patch file?]]

On Monday 19 March 2001  4:14 pm, Tim Janik wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
> >
> > Let me know what you think and if you approve I will incorporate any
> > suggestions you have, clean the whole thing up and resubmit.
> ok, comments on the patch are below. i think we can really go that route,
> however we need to clear up some locking and module naming issues in your
> code, and definitely need to retain reference counts on the GModule side.
> >
> > +
> > + Deprecati[[ng]] gmodule is a smashing idea, though I'd like to see a
> > + source compatibility wrapper modelled after this patch for the next
> > + stable release or two for the sake of projects that already use the
> > + gmodule API.
> we will definitely _not_ deprecate GModule as a whole. just changing
> the backend is not a valid reason to throw away the GModule API, and
> it'd also be an additional burden on people to demand they completely
> switch to libtool which doesn't work with GLib threads out of the box.


> s/INI/INIT/ would improve readability ;)

If only they were all so easy ;-D

> > /* --- prototypes --- */
> > static	inline gboolean	g_module_init_once	(void);
> > static	inline void	g_module_set_error	(const gchar *error);
> > static	const gchar    *g_module_get_error	(void);
> > static	void		g_module_mutex_lock	(void);
> > static	void		g_module_mutex_unlock	(void);
> >
> > /* --- variables --- */
> this is a recursive mutex in our current implementation, because modules
> might want to load other modules from their g_module_check_init()
> functions.

This is the outstanding issue that I don't understand.  I can see the need 
for a recursive lock, but I have no idea of how to express that in terms of 
the macros in CVS HEAD gthread.h.  Is there an example of recursive G_LOCKing 
on the `net I can look at?

> > const char           *g_log_domain_gmodule = "GModule";
> this should be taken care of by -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GModule\" now.

Variable removed.  Thanks.

> /* please use this style for
>  * multiline comments
>  */

Sorry.  Lapse of concentration.  Done.

> >   if (++initialized == 1)
> >     {
> >       gint errors = 0;		/* Number of errors from libltdl calls.  */
> is it really required to increment initialized everytime this function is
> called? ;)

Nope, I was trying to save a couple of lines of code.  Dumb, I know.  Also 

> >       /* Make sure libltdl is using our memory managment API. */
> >       lt_dlmalloc = (lt_ptr(*)(size_t)) g_malloc;
> >       lt_dlfree	  = (void  (*)(lt_ptr)) g_free;
> is this required? it's safe to use malloc/free besides the glib API,
> as long as things aren't mixed ala malloc/g_free or g_malloc/free.

It is not a requirement, but it allows G_MEM_PROFILING to see what libltdl 
did with your memory (for example).  If you find it onerous, I can delete 
those lines.

> > 	  /* Initialise libltdl module search directory list.  */
> > 	  if (path != NULL)
> > 	    errors = lt_dladdsearchdir (path);
> can this be reset later? some module loadig APIs only want a specific
> search path for their modules. i think in this point, our API still has
> issues, as for gtk modules, another search path is required as e.g. for
> loading application specific plugins. using a common search path might not
> always be desirable.

Yep.  lt_dlsetsearchdir() will overwrite the current search path, and 
additional calls to lt_dladdsearchdir() will add additional directories.  
Beyond that, the caller can g_module_open a full module pathname to prevent 
path searching.

> multiline warnings shouldn't be spit out as two seperate warnings, but as:
> g_warning ("g_module_supported is deprecated. "
>            "modules are always supported by the underlying libltdl.");
> (people also shouldn't use embedded newlines in warnings).

Wasn't aware of that.  Sorry.

> but actually i don't think a warning is really apropriate here, we should
> either leave that function in place, always returning TRUE if libtool
> supports modules on _every_ platform, or completely get rid of it and
> cause a compilation warning.

Removing it entirely breaks interface compatibility, and the warning is 
inside G_ENABLE_DEBUG, so it is effectively an unconditional TRUE return for 
production code.  I think this is already the right solution.

> > GModule*
> > g_module_open (const gchar    *file_name,
> > 	       GModuleFlags    flags)
> you do the loading of the module and it's init call not within
> a common lock being held, this is not going to work if two
> threads concurrently try to load the same module, as _init
> could be called twice here.

Good call.  Fixed.

> also you don't do any reference counting in GModule itself
> anymore which is a problem wrg track-keeping of the init function.

libltdl keeps track of the reference count for me.  I can take a look at the 
current count with:

    lt_dlinfo *info       = lt_dlgetinfo (handle);
    gint       ref_count  = info->ref_count;  

> [[snip]]
> important constraints are:
> - before any module coded is used, g_module_check_init() is called
> - g_module_check_init() is called only once
> - after any module code was executed, g_module_unload() is called
>   so the module can do proper cleanup

It seems I didn't pay enough attention to the semantics in the HEAD revision. 
However, I believe the attached version satisfies these constraints now.

> [[snip]]
> (another implication just sprang to my mind, GModule doesn't currently
> handle static C++ constructors

Nor does libltdl, since lt_dlsym() doesn't really work with the C++ name 
mangler.  Unfortunately, this means that the dlopen concept doesn't really 
port to C++.  I can imagine a hairy workaround, but I don't inflict C++ on 
myself outside of work *grin* =)O|

> >   g_module_init_once ();	/* Is this really neccessary? */
> no, you can't have a valid module handle without g_module_open(),
> which did initialization already.

True.  Thanks!

> >   info = lt_dlgetinfo ((lt_dlhandle) module);
> >
> >   g_return_val_if_fail (info->ref_count > 1, FALSE);
> >
> >   if ((info->ref_count == 1) && !lt_dlisresident ((lt_dlhandle) module))
> eh? i never see you doing a decrement.

No need, I'm looking at the ref_count maintained for me by libltdl.

> >   return g_strdup (info->filename ? info->filename : "main");
> > }
> this did not return a newly allocated string and shouldn't
> in your version either.

Hmm.  Where did I get that from?  Doh!

> > gchar*
> > g_module_build_path (const gchar *directory,
> > 		     const gchar *module_name)
> > {
> how's libtool going to handle "" vs. "" vs. "libfoo.dll"
> vs. "libfoo" vs. "foo" arguments being passed into open()?

lt_dlopenext("libfoo") (as used by g_module_open()) adds the host platform's 
module extension, if dlopening of the exact argument string failed.  So, 
rather than:

	g_module_open (g_module_build_path (NULL, "libfoo"));

You would use:

	g_module_open ("libfoo");

and libltdl takes care of the rest (although both work, since the literal 
string is tried first).

  ___              _   ___   __              _         mailto: gvv techie com
 / __|__ _ _ ___ _| | / / | / /_ _ _  _ __ _| |_  __ _ ___       gary gnu org
| (_ / _` | '_|// / |/ /| |/ / _` | || / _` | ' \/ _` | _ \
 \___\__,_|_|\_, /|___(_)___/\__,_|\_,_\__, |_||_\__,_|//_/
home page:  /___/                      /___/                  gpg public key: 
/* GMODULE - GLIB wrapper code for dynamic module loading
 * Copyright (C) 1998 Tim Janik
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 * Modified by the GLib Team and others 1997-2000.  See the AUTHORS
 * file for a list of people on the GLib Team.  See the ChangeLog
 * files for a list of changes.  These files are distributed with
 * GLib at 

#ifndef __GMODULE_H__
#define __GMODULE_H__

#include <glib.h>


/* exporting and importing functions, this is special cased
 * to feature Windows dll stubs.
#define	G_MODULE_IMPORT		extern
#if defined (G_OS_WIN32)
#  define	G_MODULE_EXPORT		__declspec(dllexport)
#else /* !G_OS_WIN32 */
#endif /* !G_OS_WIN32 */

/* No longer used.  These remain for interface compatibility only.  */
typedef enum
  G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY	= 1 << 0,
} GModuleFlags;

typedef	gpointer GModule;
typedef const gchar* (*GModuleCheckInit) (GModule	*module);
typedef void	     (*GModuleUnload)	 (GModule	*module);

/* open a module `file_name' and return handle, which is NULL on error */
GModule*	g_module_open		   (const gchar		*file_name,
					    GModuleFlags	 flags);

/* close a previously opened module, returns TRUE on success */
gboolean	g_module_close		   (GModule		*module);

/* make a module resident so g_module_close on it will be ignored */
void		g_module_make_resident	   (GModule		*module);

/* query the last module error as a string */
gchar*		g_module_error		   (void);

/* retrive a symbol pointer from `module', returns TRUE on success */
gboolean	g_module_symbol		   (GModule		*module,
					    const gchar		*symbol_name,
					    gpointer		*symbol);

/* retrive the file name from an existing module */
gchar*		g_module_name		   (GModule		*module);

/* Reset the list of colon separated module search directories. */
gchar*		g_module_set_search_path   (gchar		*path);

/* Add a new search directory to the list.  */
gchar*		g_module_add_search_path   (gchar		*path);

/* --- deprecated functions --- */
gboolean	g_module_supported	   (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
gchar*		g_module_build_path	   (const gchar		*directory,
					    const gchar		*module_name);


#endif /* __GMODULE_H__ */
/* GMODULE - GLIB wrapper code for dynamic module loading
 * Copyright (C) 1998 Tim Janik
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 * Modified by the GLib Team and others 1997-2000.  See the AUTHORS
 * file for a list of people on the GLib Team.  See the ChangeLog
 * files for a list of changes.  These files are distributed with
 * GLib at 

#include	"gmodule.h"
#include	"gmoduleconf.h"
#include	"ltdl.h"
#include	<errno.h>
#include	<string.h>

#define G_CALLERID_UNDEFINED	((lt_dlcaller_id) -1)
#define G_MODULE_INIT_STRING	"g_module_check_init"
#define G_MODULE_FINI_STRING	"g_module_unload"

/* --- prototypes --- */
static	inline gboolean	g_module_init_once	(void);
static	inline void	g_module_set_error	(const gchar *error);
static	const gchar    *g_module_get_error	(void);
static	void		g_module_mutex_lock	(void);
static	void		g_module_mutex_unlock	(void);

/* --- variables --- */
static GStaticPrivate module_error_private = G_STATIC_PRIVATE_INIT;

/* --- inline functions --- */
static inline void
g_module_set_error (const gchar *error)
  g_static_private_set (&module_error_private, error, NULL);
  errno = 0;

/* For orthogonality only:  g_module_error already does exactly what
 * is required, but is named according to the supported API.
#define g_module_get_error	g_module_error

static inline gboolean
g_module_init_once (void)
  static gboolean initialized = FALSE;

  /* Clear error message for this thread.  */
  g_module_set_error (NULL);

  G_LOCK (GModule);
  if (!initialized)
      gint errors = 0;		/* Number of errors from libltdl calls.  */

      initialized = TRUE;	/* No need to do this again.  */

      /* Make sure libltdl is using our memory managment API. */
      lt_dlmalloc = (lt_ptr(*)(size_t)) g_malloc;
      lt_dlfree	  = (void  (*)(lt_ptr)) g_free;

      /* Register the callbacks to make all lt_*() functions MT safe.  */
      lt_dlmutex_register (g_module_mutex_lock, g_module_mutex_unlock,
			   g_module_set_error,  g_module_get_error);

      /* Initialise ltdl library.  */
      errors = lt_dlinit ();
      if (!errors)
	  gchar *path = g_getenv ("GMODULE_PATH");

	  /* Create a gmodule specific key for subsequent access to
	   *  per-module data stored by gmodule functions. 
	  g_module_caller_id = lt_dlcaller_register ();

	  /* Initialise libltdl module search directory list.  */
	  if (path != NULL)
	    errors = lt_dladdsearchdir (path);
      G_UNLOCK (GModule);
      return (errors == 0);

  G_UNLOCK (GModule);
  return TRUE;

/* --- static functions --- */
static void
g_module_mutex_lock (void)
  G_LOCK (GModule);

static void
g_module_mutex_unlock (void)
  G_UNLOCK (GModule);

/* --- exported functions --- */

 * g_module_supported:
 * This function is deprecated.
 * Check if modules are supported on the current platform.  Now that
 * the gmodule API is a wrapper for libltdl, this function will always
 * return %TRUE.
 * Return value: %TRUE if modules are supported.
g_module_supported (void)
  static gboolean first_call = TRUE;

  if (first_call)
      g_warning ("g_module_supported is deprecated. "
		 "modules are always supported by the underlying libltdl.");
      first_call = FALSE;
#endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
  return TRUE;

 * g_module_open:
 * @filename: the name of the file containing the module to be opened.
 * @flags: not used.
 * Opens a module.  If the module has already been opened, its reference
 * count is incremented.
 * First of all g_module_open() tries to open @file_name as a module.  If
 * that fails and @file_name has the ".la"-suffix (and is a libtool archive)
 * it tries to open the corresponding module.  If that fails and @file_name
 * doesn't have the proper module suffix for the host platform, this suffix
 * will be appended and any corresponding module opened.  If that fails and
 * @file_name doesn't have the ".la"-suffix, it is appended and
 * g_module_open() tries to open the corresponding module.  If ultimately
 * that fails as well, %NULL is returned.
 * Return value: a #GModule on success, or %NULL on failure.
g_module_open (const gchar    *file_name,
	       GModuleFlags    flags)
  lt_dlhandle  handle = (lt_dlhandle) 0;
  gchar	      *error  = NULL;
  lt_dlinfo   *info   = NULL;
  g_module_init_once ();

  G_LOCK (GModule);

  /* open the module */
  handle = lt_dlopenext (file_name);
  if (handle)
    info = lt_dlgetinfo (handle);
  /* Don't try to run the _init function, except when this is the first
   * time this module has been loaded.
  if (info && (info->ref_count == 1))
      GModuleCheckInit check_init;
      GModuleUnload unload;
      const gchar *check_failed_error = NULL;
      /* check initialization */
      if (g_module_symbol ((GModule *) handle, G_MODULE_INIT_STRING,
			   (gpointer) &check_init))
	  check_failed_error = check_init ((GModule *) handle);
      if (check_failed_error != NULL)
	  error = g_strconcat ("GModule initialization check failed: ",
			       check_failed_error, NULL);
  G_UNLOCK (GModule);

  /* Register error diagnostic generated above, if any. */
  if (error)
      g_module_close ((GModule *) handle);
      handle = (lt_dlhandle) 0;
      g_module_set_error (error);
      g_free (error);

  return (GModule *) handle;

 * g_module_close:
 * @module: the module to be closed.
 * Closes an open module.
 * Return value: %TRUE on success.
g_module_close (GModule	*module)
  lt_dlinfo *info;
  gboolean success = TRUE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (module != NULL, FALSE);

  info = lt_dlgetinfo ((lt_dlhandle) module);

  g_return_val_if_fail (info->ref_count > 1, FALSE);
  if ((info->ref_count == 1) && !lt_dlisresident ((lt_dlhandle) module))
      GModuleUnload unload;
      lt_ptr stale = NULL;

      unload = g_module_symbol (module, G_MODULE_FINI_STRING,
				(gpointer) &unload);

      if (unload)
	unload (module);
      if (lt_dlclose ((lt_dlhandle) module) != 0)
	success = FALSE;

      g_free (module);
  return success;

 * g_module_make_resident:
 * @module: the module to make permenantly resident.
 * Ensures that a module can never be unloaded.  Any future g_module_close()
 * calls on the module will have no effect.  If you open the entire process
 * as a reflexive module, then it is always made resident by default -- there
 * is no need to call this function manually.
g_module_make_resident (GModule *module)
  g_return_if_fail (module != NULL);

  lt_dlmakeresident ((lt_dlhandle) module);

 * g_module_error:
 * Get a string describing the last error that occured in the gmodule
 * subsystem.
 * Return value: a string describing the last module error.
g_module_error (void)
  return g_static_private_get (&module_error_private);

 * g_module_symbol:
 * @module: the module.
 * @symbol_name: the name of the symbol to find.
 * @symbol: returns the pointer to the symbol value.
 * Gets a symbol pointer from a module.
 * Return value: %TRUE on success.
g_module_symbol (GModule	*module,
		 const gchar	*symbol_name,
		 gpointer	*symbol)
  if (symbol)
    *symbol = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (module      != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (symbol_name != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (symbol      != NULL, FALSE);
  *symbol = lt_dlsym ((lt_dlhandle) module, symbol_name);
  if (*symbol == NULL)
      gchar *module_error = lt_dlerror ();
      gchar *error;

      error = g_strconcat ("`", symbol_name, "': ", module_error, NULL);
      g_module_set_error (error);
      g_free (error);

      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * g_module_name:
 * @module: the module.
 * Gets the file name from a #GModule.
 * Return value: the file name of the module, or "main" if the module
 * is the main program itself.
const gchar*
g_module_name (GModule *module)
  lt_dlinfo  *info;
  g_return_val_if_fail (module != NULL, NULL);
  info   = lt_dlgetinfo ((lt_dlhandle) module);

  return (const gchar *) (info->filename ? info->filename : "main");

 * g_module_set_search_path:
 * @path: a colon delimited list of directories.
 * Set the paths of the directories to be searced when trying to
 * locate a module opened using a relative path.
 * Return value: %TRUE if successful.
g_module_set_search_path (gchar *path)
  return (lt_dlsetsearchpath (path) == 0);

 * g_module_add_search_path:
 * @path: a colon delimited list of directories.
 * Append to the list of user paths, the additional @path of directories
 * to be searched when trying to locate a module opened using a
 * relative path.
 * Return value: %TRUE if successful.
g_module_add_search_path (gchar *path)
  return (lt_dladdsearchdir (path) == 0);

 * g_module_build_path:
 * @directory: the directory where the module is.
 * @module_name: the name of the module.
 * This function is deprecated.
g_module_build_path (const gchar *directory,
		     const gchar *module_name)
  static gboolean first_call = TRUE;

  if (first_call)
      g_warning ("g_module_build_path is deprecated. "
		 "Use g_module_set_search_path or g_module_add_search_path.");
      first_call = FALSE;
#endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */


  if (directory && *directory) {
    if (strncmp (module_name, "lib", 3) == 0)
      return g_strconcat (directory, "/", module_name, NULL);
      return g_strconcat (directory, "/lib", module_name, ".so", NULL);
  } else if (strncmp (module_name, "lib", 3) == 0)
    return g_strdup (module_name);
    return g_strconcat ("lib", module_name, ".so", NULL);


  if (directory && *directory)
    if (strncmp (module_name, "lib", 3) == 0)
      return g_strconcat (directory, "/", module_name, NULL);
      return g_strconcat (directory, "/lib", module_name, ".sl", NULL);
  else if (strncmp (module_name, "lib", 3) == 0)
    return g_strdup (module_name);
    return g_strconcat ("lib", module_name, ".sl", NULL);


  g_warning ("g_module_build_path() untested for BeOS!");
  if (directory && *directory)
      if (strncmp (module_name, "lib", 3) == 0)
        return g_strconcat (directory, "/", module_name, NULL);
        return g_strconcat (directory, "/lib", module_name, ".so", NULL);
  else if (strncmp (module_name, "lib", 3) == 0)
    return g_strdup (module_name);
    return g_strconcat ("lib", module_name, ".so", NULL);


    gint k = strlen (module_name);
    if (directory && *directory)
      if (k > 4 && g_strcasecmp (module_name + k - 4, ".dll") == 0)
	return g_strconcat (directory, "\\", module_name, NULL);
	return g_strconcat (directory, "\\", module_name, ".dll", NULL);
    else if (k > 4 && g_strcasecmp (module_name + k - 4, ".dll") == 0)
      return g_strdup (module_name);
      return g_strconcat (module_name, ".dll", NULL);

    gchar *suffix = strrchr(module_name, '.');
    if (directory && *directory)
      if (suffix && (stricmp (suffix, ".dll") == 0))
	return g_strconcat (directory, "/", module_name, NULL);
	return g_strconcat (directory, "/", module_name, ".dll", NULL);
    else if (suffix && (stricmp (suffix, ".dll") == 0))
      return g_strdup (module_name);
      return g_strconcat (module_name, ".dll", NULL);

  return NULL;

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