Re: Pango API extension: pango_font_matches_description


Alexander Larsson <alla lysator liu se> writes:

> I think there are two possibilities here.
> a) Add a glyph caching API to pangoft2. This is good, since several users
> of pangoft2 can share the code, although it might be that every app that
> needs a fontcache has somewhat different needs. There is a glyph cache in
> Freetype 2.0.1 i believe. We might use that.

It would indeed make sense to use the caching mechanism FreeType2 provides.
I've looked into using it for the glyph cache but it only makes sense
if one adopts the whole caching mechanism which caches faces and sizes
by default and can be extended to cache whatever info, for example glyphs.
The code is however marked beta in big bold letters and I'm not sure if
David would recommened using it in Pango.

> b) Add some sort of callback from the internal font cache so that when
> fonts are dropped an external glyph cache can be notified. I don'r think
> caching glyphs when not cacheing other font information is useful, so this
> should be enough to make it possible to use <pango_ft2_get_face(),
> glyph_index> to index the images in the glyph cache.

This is what Owen suggested to me yesterday on #gimp too and I do like 
this idea much better than the API extensions I've proposed. I'll send 
a patch for that later today.

Salut, Sven

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