Re: Default settings for GtkTextAttributes

Oisin Boydell <Oisin Boydell Sun COM> writes:

> I noticed that the function gtk_text_attributes_new() which sets up a new GtkTextAttributes structure sets most 
> of the values to 0 by default. This is not correct since setting 0 for the 
> GtkTextAttributes->(PangoFontDescription)font->(PangoStretch)stretch corresponds to 
> "PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED" in the PangoStretch enum. The default value should be 4 which corresponds to 
> "PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL". It is also incorrect to set 
> GtkTextAttributes->(PangoFontDescription)font->(PangoWeight)weight to 0 which corresponds to 
> Problems arise when using gtk_text_iter_get_attributes() which fills a GtkTextAttributes struct given as 
> parameter. If I use a newly created GtkTextAttributes initialized with gtk_text_attributes_new() then any 
> values which are not set by tags in the text remain as the default values... the wrong default values as 
> mentioned above such as PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED when the text has no stretch attribute associated with 
> it. The value should be PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL.
> I will send a patch soon for gtktexttag.c which sets a GtkTextAttributes struct to correct default values when 
> initialized with gtk_text_attributes_new().

I'm not sure that PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL is really any better of a default

What you really need is a function to get the default attributes for a
particular text view - this is stored as view->layout->default_style,
but there is no public accessor for this.

So, some function like gtk_text_view_get_default_attributes() that 
a bit like:

   gtk_text_view_ensure_layout (text_view);

   return gtk_text_attributes_copy (text_view->layout->default_style);


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