Re: GtkColorSelection

On 27 Feb 2001, Havoc Pennington wrote:


 Sorry for my ignorance - what "previous_color" mean?

 If it's some kind of a selection history - I would like to suggest storring
(in memory of the app, not persistent) a list of LRU colors selected with the
widget - say 16 recent ones - as KDE's (or Qt's) widget does - this is VERY
handy I think. Though if 'previous_color' is some kind of selection history,
why programmer may want to set it?

 Also, what 'palette' means here?  How its entries are initialized by default?

> Hi,
> Suggest revamping the API, as appended. The API being revamped was
> added post-1.2 so there are no backward compat issues, except for
> gtk_color_selection_set_color() which I've marked deprecated.
> The other changes:
>  - rename set_use_opacity() to set_has_opacity_control()
>  - rename set_use_palette() to set_has_palette()
>  - provide set_current_color() and set_current_alpha() to replace
>    set_color(), in order to get rid of the odd array of doubles 
>    API (that among other things doesn't work as an object property,
>    GUI builders can't understand it)
>  - rename set_old_color() to set_previous_color(), and 
>    use GdkColor not array of doubles as with set_current_color()
>  - add get_palette_size() so you don't have to open the widget,
>    look at the size, and hardcode said size in your app
>  - address palette cells by index, not by x/y coordinate, so we can 
>    rearrange them and leave the API making sense
>  - remove the is_adjusting() function, because I don't see what it's
>    for, though I'm willing to be convinced
> Have a look at current CVS for compare-and-contrast. Please comment on
> the changes... I'm merging a modified version of Lee's property
> patches for the color sel while I'm doing this, so that will be part
> of the patch.
> Havoc
> void gtk_color_selection_get_palette_size    (GtkColorSelection
> *colorsel);

 May be the one above should return anything ? :)

> void gtk_color_selection_get_palette_color   (GtkColorSelection
> *colorsel,
>                                               gint
> index,
>                                               GdkColor
> *color);
> void gtk_color_selection_set_palette_color   (GtkColorSelection
> *colorsel,
>                                               gint
> index,
>                                               GdkColor
> *color);
> void gtk_color_selection_unset_palette_color (GtkColorSelection
> *colorsel,
>                                               gint
> index);

 Best regards,

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