Possible Win32 bug: gdk_draw_pixmap and GtkAdjustment

Michael Mitton writes:
 > Are these new bugs, or are they known?  I'll make a sample program for you
 > if they're new.

Seem like new bugs to me. If they are bugs...

 > 1.	gdk_draw_pixmap(widget->window, gc, widget->window, ...) (ie, used
 > for moving text during a scoll) will freeze the machine. (note the src and
 > dest are the same) 

I would think that case has already been covered by the existing uses
of gdk_draw_pixmap? There is explicit code in gdk_win32_draw_drawable
(which is what eventually handles gdk_draw_pixmap) to handle blitting
inside a window. (It is of course possible that you call it with such
arguments that some bug is activated.)

 > #ifdef __CYGWIN__

Hmm. I hope you realize that you are on your own if you use my
prebuilt DLLs in a Cygwin application. I have never tested
that. Unless you compile your code with the -fnative-struct flag it
will not be binary compatible with the prebuild GTK+ DLLs. (I am not
sure if that switch is even avilable in gcc producing code for Cygwin,
or if it will cause problems in interfacing with the Cygwin runtime.)
Some structs will be different size, and some fields as seen by your
code will be at different offset than where GTK+ thinks they are.

 > 2.	Modification of the values in the GtkAdjustment structure seem to
 > freeze the machine too.

That, too, doesn't sound very exotic, and shouldn't cause any trouble.

Please send me a minimal but complete test program...


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