Re: Patches to gtkwidget and gtkwindow for property support

John Margaglione <jmargaglione yahoo com> writes:

> Here are my changes to GtkWidget and GtkWindow.  I converted the args to
> properties using g_type support.  Let me know if they are ok, and I will
> continue with the other files. The only open question I have is when to
> use g_object_notify.  Some of the files (gtktexttag.c) use it, and some
> (gtkcellrenderer.c) don't.

gtkcellrenderer didn't have it originally, as I was worried that it
would be a performance hit.  However, with the freeze/thaw addition this
became less of a concern, and as a result, g_object_notify should be
used there.

Also, that patch is pretty hard to read.  Can you repost the patch using
diff -u


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