Re: URIs vs. half-baked URIs [glib PATCH]

On 24Aug2001 03:11PM (-0400), Daniel Veillard wrote:
> Last but not least I think that 
>    file:/path
>  is a valid URI but one with an opaque part, not an hierachical one,
> i.e. from an URI perspective there is no path in this URI (interpretation
> of "/path" is left to the software handling the "file" protocol), 
> and you can't expand URI-References using this URI as the base
> (../path2 has no meaning when starting from file:/path while it does when
>  starting from file:///path ...). So avoid it and rewrite it if you find it !


That does not correspond to my reading of the RFC. The RFC says a
hierarchical URI is any that starts with a `/' character, and it may
contain either an ordinary absolute path, or a "net path", which is
`//' followed by an authority section followed by an ansolute path.

 - Maciej

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