Re: memory scribbling while using IOChannels

On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 08:51:01AM -0700, Ron Steinke wrote:
> Thanks for catching this. There's also a similar bug in g_io_channel_write_chars().
> If you haven't committed yet, I'd be happy to do so.

	Go ahead and commit.  However, getting past this allows another
bug to show up.  I was reading 400K of input, and my program crashed.
Why?  encoded_read_buf->allocated_len was 1G, and
io_channel_fill_buffer() was calling g_string_set_size(encoded_read_buf,
2G).  Eek!  encoded_read_buf->len was only 15K at the time.  I suspect
it has something to do with the outbytes_left MAX() calls, but I haven't
sat down to look at it in detail yet.  I will probably get back to it
sometime this morning, but if you get there first I'm cool.  You can see
it if you change iotest.c to do "ls -l /usr/lib" instead of "ls



"This is the end, beautiful friend.
 This is the end, my only friend the end
 Of our elaborate plans, the end
 Of everything that stands, the end
 No safety or surprise, the end
 I'll never look into your eyes again."
			jlbec evilplan org

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