gdk_window_resize, height > 16 bit ?

while investigating why testgtk::layout doesn't show on anything
on win98 but works fine under winNT I stumble over the call of

      gdk_window_resize (layout->bin_window,
			 MAX (layout->width, allocation->width),
			 MAX (layout->height, allocation->height));

which passes it's sizes unfiltered to the windowing backend.
This fails on win9x because it is not forgiving with its real 16 bit
limitation in GDI. (The passed in value 128000 becomes negative I guess).

At other places in Gdk there is some handling of windowing limits
(see gdk_window_compute_position, gdk_window_premove and friends).

Now my question: What's the suggested way to fix it ?

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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