Re: [patch] Scrolling menus

Nils Barth <nils_barth post harvard edu> writes:

> Hmmm....would it be possible to separate tear-off menus into a
> separate class?
> That is, make MenuTearoff another derivative of MenuShell?
> Currently we have:
> GtkMenuShell
>   GtkMenu
>   GtkMenuBar
> given the hackishness described above, and my comments that tear-off
> menus really require a different interface than transient GtkMenus, it
> seems that it would be best to have:
> GtkMenuShell
>   GtkMenu
>   GtkMenuTearoff
>   GtkMenuBar
> or
> GtkMenuShell
>   GtkMenu
>     GtkMenuTearoff
>   GtkMenuBar
> This would likely require some codeoverlap between GtkMenu and
> GtkMenuTearoff, but it would reduce hackishness and make it easier to
> get the UI right for each case.

Well the problem is not really the code overlap, that might be
able to be addressed with a common base overlap.

The problem is that a single menu mutates dynamically between
being torn off and being not torn off, and you can't change
the type of a widget on the fly.


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