Re: Followup: GtkTree update

> These kinds of interfaces (node_nth_child) are dangerous. I've fixed a
> few misuses of things like it in mozilla. The problem is that the
> interface makes it look like a O(1) operation to get the nth
> child. This can lead to (it did in the mozilla code) users coding
> stuff like:
> n = node_n_children()
> for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
>   node = node_nth_child(i);
>   do_some_stuff(node);
> }

> Since the implementation of the children often are lists, this loop
> has O(n^2) behaviour. Now, the correct way to do this loop would be to
> use node_children and node_next, but that is not obvious from the
> interface.
> Is there any specific reason you added the node_nth_child call?

Apparently I don't use it in gtktreeview anymore.  It was previously
used to manually walk down a path to find a specific node, never in a
loop situation (that's what the "node_next" signal is for).  However, I
may remove it as it doesn't seem to be used anywhere.

> > /* Only meaningful if GTK_TREE_SELECTION_SINGLE is set */
> > /* User selected_foreach for GTK_TREE_SELECTION_MULTI */
>      ^^^^ I suppose you mean "Use"

Yes, Fixed.


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