Re: gobject memory usage tracking

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Alexander Larsson wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Tim Janik wrote:

> > the one thing i'm wondering about, what exactly do you want this
> > profile data to tell you?
> I've spent a fair amount of time trying to locate bloat in
> Mozilla. Locating runtime bloat is very hard, tools like memprof gives
> info on where memory is being allocated, but that almost never gives you
> data enought. A better view is how much memory different kinds of objects
> take, but this kind of data is very hard to get. Normally the most you get
> is a profile that groups allocations by their size.
> Having this in glib doesn't help Mozilla, and I don't need this for
> anything else right now, but for the future it might be an interesting
> hack when trying to slim down Gtk+.

gtype can give you the memory allocated by the object _structure_, but
not by the object fields. i.e. i'd expect most memopry usage to steam
from strings/byte-buffers etc. being maintained by an object, rather
than the object's pure structure size, which is why i suspect that gtype
profiling won't give you too much of an idea on where most memory
consumption occours.

> / Alex


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