Re: Text Widget issues (forked from: Possible Glib BTree substitute)

Derek Simkowiak <> writes: 
> 	I had no idea the toggle segments would use so much ram.  It's the
> largest non-character memory hog, by an order of magnitude.  But at 8
> bytes per on or off toggle:
> typedef struct TkTextToggle {
>     struct TkTextTag *tagPtr;           /* Tag that starts or ends here. */
>     int inNodeCounts;                   /* 1 means this toggle has been
>                                          * accounted for in node toggle  
>                                          * counts; 0 means it hasn't, yet. */
> } TkTextToggle;
> 	...I can see how it would add it up.

It isn't 8 bytes, 8 bytes would be small. You are just looking at the
toggle-specific part of the segment. The entire toggle segment is 40

struct _FrooTkxtSegment {
  FrooTkxtSegType *type;		/* Pointer to record describing
					 * segment's type. */
  FrooTkxtSegment *next;	        /* Next in list of segments for this
					 * line, or NULL for end of list. */

  int char_count;                       /* # of chars of index space occupied */
  int byte_count;               	/* Size of this segment (# of bytes
					 * of index space it occupies). */
  union {
    char chars[4];			/* Characters that make up character
					 * info.  Actual length varies to
					 * hold as many characters as needed.*/
    FrooTkxtToggle toggle;		/* Information about tag toggle. */
    FrooTkxtMark mark;	        	/* Information about mark. */
    FrooTkxtPixmap pixmap;              /* Child pixmap */
#if 0
    FrooTkxtChild child;                /* child widget */
  } body;

You are only looking at the size of the union at the end. 

"type" and "next" are impossible to eliminate. char_count and
byte_count can only be eliminated by taking a performance hit.

> 	I'm designing my tag system to be slightly different from the
> TkText design.  To begin with, I'm dropping the 'priority' system for
> tags.  I find it confusing, and I don't see the point.  Rather, I'm going
> to have simple on/off toggles.

The point of the priority system is to resolve conflicts. If two tags
both set the foreground color, you either a) have a priority system or
b) basically choose one randomly or c) do something like "use the
first one that got applied" which will increase the complexity of
certain btree/skiplist code by a lot.

It's not like the priority system costs anything in terms of memory or
speed, and users can totally ignore it if they want (most recently
created tags become higher priority).
> 	Next, I'm not going to track particular off tags for TkTextTags.
> Instead, I'm going to have generic "close" tags, which will always apply
> to the nearest unclosed on tag.  I.e., my tags will render exactly the
> same way Netscape would render

This means that you save 4 of the 80 bytes per toggle pair and
significantly increase the pain-in-the-ass factor of writing your
btree/skiplist code. Plus it won't work, see below...

> This <font color="ff0000">is my <font color="00ff00">line</font> of
> text</font>.
> 	Notice that there is only a generic </font> tag.  I think people
> are more used to a system like this than they are a priority-based system.  
> My widget's "Tags" will simply have more than just the color attribute.

Um, if you have:

<green>blah blah <blue> blah blah blah </end> blah blah blah </end>

Which </end> ends green and which ends blue?

The only sane policy is that the </end> ends the most-recent tag,
which removes a useful feature of the widget, namely overlapping tags.

Note that with FrooTkxt if you have:

<big>blah blah blah<blue>blah blah</big>blah blah</blue>

Then you have big, regular-color text, then big blue text, then 
regular-size blue text. Kind of what users expect if you're writing a
simple word processor with the widget, for example.
> 	...where a tagPtr == NULL means this is a close tag.  That would
> immediately cut the toggle memory usage in half.

Or by 1/16, depending on how accurate you are. ;-)
> 	Another option is to have a hardcoded maximum of 255 different
> "styles" in a particular text buffer.  Then, I could use an int from
> 0..255 as a key to the Tag.  That would mean:
> typedef struct TextToggle {
>     guint8 tagIndex;           /* Tag key that starts or ends here. */
> } TextToggle;
> 	...where tagIndex == 0 means a close tag.  That would reduce the
> toggle memory usage by 7/8, at the expense of flexibility.  Comments on

It wouldn't, the struct would end up being 4 bytes anyway with 3 bytes
of padding. Plus it would be a sucky limitation to only have 255 tags.
> 	Another idea I'm playing with is to make every line have only one
> text buffer--perhaps even a gapped text buffer.  That would mean only one
> char data pointer per line, as though it were unmarked text.  I could
> then use some sort of GtkText-like indexing system for the Tags.  I
> haven't thought this through yet.

That could reduce the number of character segments, worth
> > Also remember that memprof is showing the allocated memory, but not
> > the overhead from malloc() itself, which can be reduced by using fewer
> > allocations for the same data.
> 	Would using GAllocator for that be appropriate?

mem chunks reduce the malloc() overhead, but have the unfortunate
property that they are never freed again (or if they are freed, they
are slow). So, I don't know if we want to use them.


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