Re: Parallel installs

On 15 Jul 2000, Owen Taylor wrote:

> Tim Janik <> writes:
> > On 14 Jul 2000, Owen Taylor wrote:

> > in general the changes don't look too bad to me, however, on the
> > consistency side, for some things you did
> >   gtk.xx  -> gtk-2.0.xx
> >   gtk.xx  -> gtk_2_0.xx
> >   gtk+.xx -> gtk2.0.xx
> > 
> > especially, why did you skip the '+' on some files??
> I think fixed up most of these after writing the mail - I changed
> from: 
>   gtk_2_0.m4 to gtk-2.0.m4
> I believe that it's now gtk-2.0, glib-2.0 pretty much everywhere
> except for the gettext domain - which is hidden from the user pretty
> much entirely. I dropped the + because gtk+-2.0 is just too much
> punctuation, and we already didn't have the + in the majority of of
> places - /usr/lib/gtk, ~/.gtkrc, gtk-config etc. 
> (Remember the questions about what is 'gtk+-'?)

uhm, no ;)

> > also, looking at now, we now have:
> > 
> > [...]
> >
> >
> > [...]
> >   GLIB_LIBS="$glib_dir/ $glib_dir/gmodule/"
> > [...]
> >   gdktargetlib=""
> >   gtktargetlib=""
> > 
> > etc, probably making their way through otehr files (makefiles?) as well.
> > that is completely unacceptable, i went through great length to hard-code
> > the version number in really _one_ place only, that is:
> To my knowledge - you can't do substitutions in automake target names.
> If you know how to do that, let me know and I'll make the change.

i don't understand why you need that at all. for 1.2.x, we produce:*
while using lib_LTLIBRARIES = as automake target, and have
the -$MAJOR.$MINOR version added automatically by libtool through the
-release $(LT_RELEASE) argument.

the more i think about it, the new scheme appears to be inferior over the
old one we used (which went through a long process to be perfectly suitable).

i see that you want to postfix some paths like the one for gtkrc files,
but i don't get why you need to special-cripple the library and include
paths here...

> Since we don't change the major/minor pair very often at all, I don't
> mind having to go through and change the files when
> we go to 2.0, though I'd admit it isnt' elegant.
> Regards,
>                                         Owen


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