Tags and TagTable API


BTW, I didn't mention it for GtkTextBuffer, but most likely all these
non-GUI objects will be plain GObject once GObject has signals.

A text tag marks some region of text. The only signal is an "event"
signal, received for motion, button, and key events.

Tags are configured using object arguments (gtk_object_set()), similar
to canvas items.

Tags can be either named or anonymous. If named, you can use names
instead of keeping a pointer to the tag object. This can be
convenient, maybe especially in scripting languages.

Tags must be in a tag table, which is just a collection of tags.
The TagTable keeps track of all tags that are useable in a given text

All tags in a table have a unique priority. If a section of text has
multiple tags that set the same text attribute, then the
higher-priority tag takes effect.

GtkTextStyleValues isn't used that often, but basically contains the 
values that can be set by a tag, without the _set flags that indicate
whether the value applies. You get a GtkTextStyleValues if you fold a
bunch of tags together; gtktextiter.h has a function to do the folding
for a given iterator.


#ifndef GTK_TEXT_TAG_H
#define GTK_TEXT_TAG_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#include <gtk/gtkobject.h>
#include <gdk/gdk.h>

typedef struct _GtkTextIter GtkTextIter;
typedef struct _GtkTextBTreeNode GtkTextBTreeNode;
typedef struct _GtkTextTagTable GtkTextTagTable;
typedef struct _GtkTextTabArray GtkTextTabArray;

typedef enum {
} GtkWrapMode;

typedef struct _GtkTextStyleValues GtkTextStyleValues;

#define GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG            (gtk_text_tag_get_type())
#define GTK_TEXT_TAG(obj)            (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, GtkTextTag))
#define GTK_TEXT_TAG_CLASS(klass)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, GtkTextTagClass))
#define GTK_IS_TEXT_TAG(obj)         (GTK_CHECK_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG))

typedef struct _GtkTextTag GtkTextTag;
typedef struct _GtkTextTagClass GtkTextTagClass;

struct _GtkTextTag {
  GtkObject parent_instance;

  GtkTextTagTable *table;
  char *name;			/* Name of this tag.  This field is actually
				 * a pointer to the key from the entry in
				 * tkxt->tagTable, so it needn't be freed
				 * explicitly. */
  int priority;		/* Priority of this tag within widget.  0
                         * means lowest priority.  Exactly one tag
                         * has each integer value between 0 and
                         * numTags-1. */
   * Information for displaying text with this tag.  The information
   * belows acts as an override on information specified by lower-priority
   * tags.  If no value is specified, then the next-lower-priority tag
   * on the text determins the value.  The text widget itself provides
   * defaults if no tag specifies an override.

  GtkTextStyleValues *values;  
    Flags for whether a given value is set; if a value is unset, then
    this tag does not affect it.  */
  guint bg_color_set : 1;
  guint border_width_set : 1;
  guint relief_set : 1;
  guint bg_stipple_set : 1;
  guint fg_color_set : 1;
  guint font_set : 1;
  guint fg_stipple_set : 1;
  guint justify_set : 1;
  guint left_margin_set : 1;
  guint left_wrapped_line_margin_set : 1;
  guint offset_set : 1;
  guint overstrike_set : 1;
  guint right_margin_set : 1;
  guint pixels_above_lines_set : 1;
  guint pixels_below_lines_set : 1;
  guint pixels_inside_wrap_set : 1;
  guint tab_array_set : 1;
  guint underline_set : 1;
  guint wrap_mode_set : 1;
  guint bg_full_height_set : 1;
  guint invisible_set : 1;
  guint editable_set : 1;
  guint language_set : 1;
  guint pad1 : 1;
  guint pad2 : 1;
  guint pad3 : 1;

struct _GtkTextTagClass {
  GtkObjectClass parent_class;

  gint (* event) (GtkTextTag *tag,
                  GtkObject *event_object,         /* widget, canvas item, whatever */
                  GdkEvent *event,                 /* the event itself */
                  const GtkTextIter *iter);        /* location of event in buffer */

GtkType      gtk_text_tag_get_type     (void);
GtkTextTag  *gtk_text_tag_new          (const gchar       *name);
gint         gtk_text_tag_get_priority (GtkTextTag        *tag);
void         gtk_text_tag_set_priority (GtkTextTag        *tag,
					gint               priority);
gint         gtk_text_tag_event        (GtkTextTag        *tag,
					GtkObject         *event_object,
					GdkEvent          *event,
					const GtkTextIter *iter);

 * Style object created by folding a set of tags together

typedef struct _GtkTextAppearance GtkTextAppearance;

struct _GtkTextAppearance
  GdkColor bg_color;
  GdkColor fg_color;
  GdkBitmap *bg_stipple;
  GdkBitmap *fg_stipple;

  guint underline : 4;		/* PangoUnderline */
  guint overstrike : 1;

  /* Whether to use background-related values; this is irrelevant for
   * the values struct when in a tag, but is used for the composite
   * values struct; it's true if any of the tags being composited
   * had background stuff set. */
  guint draw_bg : 1;

  /* This is only used when we are actually laying out and rendering
   * a paragraph; not when a GtkTextAppearance is part of a
   * GtkTextStyleValues.
  guint inside_selection : 1;

struct _GtkTextStyleValues
  guint refcount;

  GtkTextAppearance appearance;
  gint border_width;
  GtkShadowType relief;
  GtkJustification justify;
  GtkTextDirection direction;
  PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
  /* lMargin1 */
  gint left_margin;
  /* lMargin2 */
  gint left_wrapped_line_margin;

  /* super/subscript offset, can be negative */
  gint offset;
  gint right_margin;

  gint pixels_above_lines;

  gint pixels_below_lines;

  gint pixels_inside_wrap;

  GtkTextTabArray *tab_array;
  GtkWrapMode wrap_mode;	/* How to handle wrap-around for this tag.
				 * Must be GTK_WRAPMODE_CHAR,

  gchar *language;
  /* hide the text  */
  guint invisible : 1;

  /* Background is fit to full line height rather than
   * baseline +/- ascent/descent (font height) */
  guint bg_full_height : 1;
  /* can edit this text */
  guint editable : 1;

  /* colors are allocated etc. */
  guint realized : 1;

  guint pad1 : 1;
  guint pad2 : 1;
  guint pad3 : 1;
  guint pad4 : 1;

GtkTextStyleValues *gtk_text_style_values_new       (void);
void                gtk_text_style_values_copy      (GtkTextStyleValues *src,
                                                     GtkTextStyleValues *dest);
void                gtk_text_style_values_unref     (GtkTextStyleValues *values);
void                gtk_text_style_values_ref       (GtkTextStyleValues *values);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */



#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#include <gtk/gtktexttag.h>

typedef void (* GtkTextTagTableForeach) (GtkTextTag *tag, gpointer data);

#define GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG_TABLE            (gtk_text_tag_table_get_type())
#define GTK_TEXT_TAG_TABLE(obj)            (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG_TABLE, GtkTextTagTable))
#define GTK_TEXT_TAG_TABLE_CLASS(klass)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG_TABLE, GtkTextTagTableClass))

typedef struct _GtkTextTagTableClass GtkTextTagTableClass;

struct _GtkTextTagTable {
  GtkObject parent_instance;
  GHashTable *hash;
  GSList *anonymous;
  gint anon_count;

struct _GtkTextTagTableClass {
  GtkObjectClass parent_class;
  void (* tag_changed) (GtkTextTagTable *table, GtkTextTag *tag, gboolean size_changed);
  void (* tag_added) (GtkTextTagTable *table, GtkTextTag *tag);
  void (* tag_removed) (GtkTextTagTable *table, GtkTextTag *tag);

GtkType          gtk_text_tag_table_get_type (void);

GtkTextTagTable *gtk_text_tag_table_new      (void);
void             gtk_text_tag_table_add      (GtkTextTagTable        *table,
                                              GtkTextTag             *tag);
void             gtk_text_tag_table_remove   (GtkTextTagTable        *table,
                                              GtkTextTag             *tag);
GtkTextTag      *gtk_text_tag_table_lookup   (GtkTextTagTable        *table,
                                              const gchar            *name);
void             gtk_text_tag_table_foreach  (GtkTextTagTable        *table,
                                              GtkTextTagTableForeach  func,
                                              gpointer                data);
guint            gtk_text_tag_table_size     (GtkTextTagTable        *table);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */


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