Re: CTree question

"Buzz Megg" <> writes:

> Okaaaay, CTree sucks.  Rewrite it.

It's already mostly done. Did you see Jonathan Blandford's posts on
his new tree/list widget?
> Snide comment aside, I have a finite amount of programming time.  This 
> sounds like I'm going to spend a lot of time working around CTree that would 
> be better off spent working *on* CTree.

Or the new tree, cvs module `gtree', but that ties you to CVS head.

> This issue came up in C++ only because STL containers want default 
> constructors.  Default constructors imply being able to modify the widget 
> after it is already formed.  This *can* be worked around, it's just 
> annoying.

I know at least some STL containers can be implemented without default
constructors for the elements (by allocating raw memory and later
using placement `new').
 - Maciej

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