Bug in ctree:resync_selection?

I'm not sure what's causing this or what's going on in gtk, but I'll do my
best to explain.  I'm using gtk 1.2.6 (compiled and installed locally,
rest is debian potato).

I get the GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE signal for my window.  I'm not sure what key
I'm pressing (cause be from switching virtual windows).  18 function calls
down is resync_selection in ctree.

In resync_selection:

clist->anchor is 1
clist->drag_pos is -1

so, this is set at the top of the function:
i = -1
e = 1

clist->undo_selection is 0, so that code is skiped.

clist->anchor >= clist->drag_pos, so now we're at in the else (line 5704
in version 1.2.6):

for (node = GTK_CTREE_NODE (g_list_nth (clist->row_list, e)); i <= e;
	   e--, node = GTK_CTREE_NODE_PREV (node))
  if (GTK_CTREE_ROW (node)->row.selectable)

On the 3rd iteration, node will be NULL since the -1th thing in the list
is NULL (or really, the thing before the thing before the 1st thing is
null, since we're doing _PREV's).

Then, I think we seg fault on GTK_CTREE_ROW(node) (ctree line ~5707).

Since I don't have a deep understanding of what's going on here, I have no
suggestions on how to fix it.  It's very possible that I'm doing something
weird in my code and that's causing it.

The code looks the same in HEAD.


      __          _    __ 
  ___/ /__ __  __(_)__/ /  David Helder - University of Michigan
 / _  / _ `/ |/ / / _  /   dhelder@umich.edu
 |_,_/|_,_/|___/_/|_,_/    http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~dhelder

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