
hey owen,

        * gtk/gtknotebook.[ch] docs/Changes-2.0.txt: Move structure
        definition for GtkNotebookPage into .c file, since it is private.

we can't do that, we have lots of code out there ala
app->notebook->cur_page->child, as we have for other containers.
people know that they outght to not modify those structures, but
especially for containers where the child widgets aren't immediately
accesible, we have to preserve easy access to the child pointers.

also, i don't think

Mon Dec 11 11:41:12 2000  Owen Taylor  <otaylor redhat com>

        * gtk/gtkinvisible.c (gtk_invisible_init): Flag invisible
          widgets as TOPLEVEL.
        * gtk/gtkwidget.c (gtk_widget_queue_resize): Don't assume
          TOPLEVEL widgets are containers.

is such a good idea, i could make quite some simplifications in
things like gerd/gle/beast when we finally had the TOPLEVEL<->GtkWindow
constraint. GtkWindow might be overkill for gtkinvisible.c, but especially
for the resizing code, i'd really like to keep at least TOPLEVEL<->GtkContainer.

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