Re: kde people is saying gtk is slow...

> Kde people (on is saying gtk (or is it gnome?) is painfully
> slow refreshing the widgets ( I wouldn't say so much, but hey, I have to
> admit that one of the things that more disturbs me in Gnome/Gtk is the
> flashing of the redrawings, compared to Kde 1.2 ).

Asside from refreshing, I have done some benchmarking of various components
of gtk and Qt.  Gtk+ emits signals about 3 times faster than Qt.  
It would rank 4.5us per emit compared to 15us per Qt emit on the scale
used in the libsigc++ benchmarking page.  This is of course
10 times slower than libsigc++, but then any string based system is
going to be a bit slow.  Considering a far amount of the time spent
in the widget set is emitting signals, optimization here may help although
not by much one would need to profile the code to see how slow calls
translate into precentage time spent.  (Gtk+ has a lot more things 
which it does like create emission records for emission stops which 
means many function calls, and thus a slower system.) 


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