Re: useful list functions

On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, John Cupitt wrote:

First off:  I love functional programming languages -- I've done my share
of programming imperative languages (since the mid-eighties) but I find
that I'm far more productive in ML than in C.  Part of this is because of
a nicer type system, pattern matching, automatic memory management and the
ability to use recursion in real-world programs -- part of it is due to
the wonderful higher-order functions available in the standard libraries.

If I wrote the functions John and I suggest, would they stand a chance at
getting included?


> Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> > /* Just like `map' in Lisp, Scheme or Perl, i.e. like for_each but
> >    return a list of the results. (non-destructive) */

>   gpointer slist_map( GSList *list, 
>     ListMapFn user_func, gpointer user_data );

Great -- I like having the bail-out option, could be used for simulating
exceptions :)

>   typedef gpointer (*ListFoldFn)( gpointer, gpointer, gpointer );
>   gpointer slist_fold( GSList *list, 
>     gpointer start, ListFoldFn user_function, gpointer user_data );

This is even better stuff :)

> Using fold you can find the maximum value in a list, write Maciej's
> _map() function, sum a list, erm, and other stuff.

Yep, lots of other stuff :)

(I have programmed some small programs in ML, only up to a couple of
thousand lines -- they would have been so much longer in low-level
language like C using only the standard libraries)

> There are a few variants as well: slist_map2 and slist_fold2 take two
> user_data arguments. slist_map_rev() maps in reverse order.
> slist_foldr() folds a list with a right-associative function.

Great :)

What about equivalents to the take, drop, filter, mappartial, and
partition functions often found in functional programming languages?

take(l:list, n:integer) -- returns a list containing the first n elements
                           in l.

drop(l:list, n:integer) -- returns a list with the first n elements
                           dropped from l.

filter(l:list, f:filterfunction) -- returns a list of the elements for
                                    which the filterfunction returns true.

mappartial(l:list, f:optmapfunc) -- returns a list of the elements in l
                                    mapped onto a new domain (i.e. after
                                    conversion by the mapfunc).  Elements
                                    can be dropped/filtered out by the

These should go a long way towards eliminating loops in (the application
programmers' part of) GTK+ programs.


Code is much like elephant dung.  The more code, the more bugs.
You have to let it rest a while to make sure that the bugs are gone (and large
heaps rot slowly).

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