Re: gtk_entry and 2k limit: Thoughts, suggestion, complaint

On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 01:35:57AM -0600, Trever Adams wrote:
|    /* The algorithms here will work as long as, the text size (a

   [snip - code chunk removed]

| 1) Does GtkText have this same limit for the same reason?  If not, WHY? 
| Was a way around this slowness "hang" found?
| 2) Is it not possible that in some projects the overhead (And multiline
| capability, even if enters are present) are not wanted nor needed where
| size exceeds 2k?

   [snip - rest of posting]

Well, after this mail arrived, I was just plainly curious and executed the
following `interesting' command on my GTK+ sources (I have version 1.0.6 at
home, kind of old I know):

    cd /usr/src/gtk+-1.0.6/
    find . -name '*.[ch]' -print0 |\
	xargs -0 egrep -ni '\<limit\>|\<maximum\>'

which searches the GTK+ sources for exact but case-insensitive matches of
the words `limit' and `maximum'.  Surprisingly enough, here's the output:

    ./glib/gmem.c:58:			      *  must be declared to be the maximum size it
    ./glib/gutils.c:295:    case ELIBMAX: return "attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit";
    ./glib/gutils.c:634:    case SIGXCPU: return "CPU time limit exceeded";
    ./glib/gutils.c:637:    case SIGXFSZ: return "File size limit exceeded";
    ./gdk/gdk.c:182:						     *  a maximum time to wait for an event
    ./gdk/gdk.c:1115: *   Calls to "gdk_event_get" will last for a maximum
    ./gdk/gdkcc.c:1030:  /* This is the maximum no. of allocated colors.  See also the nopen == 0
    ./gdk/gdkinput.h:76:  /* reported x minimum/maximum values */
    ./gdk/gdkinput.h:83:  /* calibrated minimum/maximum values */
    ./gdk/gdktypes.h:833:  gint max_colors;		/* maximum no. of colors */
    ./gtk/gtkentry.c:1482:   * maximum length so that if the user pastes a very long text, there
    ./gtk/gtkentry.c:1490:  /* Make sure we do not exceed the maximum size of the entry. */
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:27:#define MAXIMUM_SUBDIVIDE     5
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:28:#define MAXIMUM_SCALES        10
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:174:       *   use the maximum extents of the ruler to determine the largest possible
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:183:      for (scale = 0; scale < MAXIMUM_SCALES; scale++)
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:187:      if (scale == MAXIMUM_SCALES)
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:188:	scale = MAXIMUM_SCALES - 1;
    ./gtk/gtkhruler.c:191:      for (i = MAXIMUM_SUBDIVIDE - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    ./gtk/gtkmenufactory.c:223:      g_warning ("gtk_menu_factory_create(): argument `path' exceeds maximum size.");
    ./gtk/gtkmenufactory.c:343:      g_warning ("gtk_menu_factory_remove(): argument `path' exceeds maximum size.");
    ./gtk/gtkmenufactory.c:489:      g_warning ("gtk_menu_factory_find_recurse(): argument `path' exceeds maximum size.");
    ./gtk/gtkobject.c:952:      g_warning ("gtk_object_get_arg_type(): argument `arg_name' exceeds maximum size.");
    ./gtk/gtkselection.c:57:/* Maximum size of a sent chunk, in bytes. Also the default size of
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:27:#define MAXIMUM_SUBDIVIDE     5
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:28:#define MAXIMUM_SCALES        10
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:174:       *   use the maximum extents of the ruler to determine the largest possible
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:183:      for (scale = 0; scale < MAXIMUM_SCALES; scale++)
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:187:      if (scale == MAXIMUM_SCALES)
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:188:	scale = MAXIMUM_SCALES - 1;
    ./gtk/gtkvruler.c:191:      for (i = MAXIMUM_SUBDIVIDE - 1; i >= 0; i--)

That gives only 10 source files and 2 headers that are likely to have such
limits, which after a little more research and grepping around the GTK+
source proves that candidates for such `artificial' limits are:


    gdk/gdkcc.c		1030	perhaps I got the color code all wrong
				and this is not a limit?

    gtk/gtkentry.c	1482	this IS a limit, and we need to discuss it

If I have indeed gotten the color allocation code of gdk/gdkcc.c all wrong,
then the only `artificial' limit of GTK seems to be this GtkEntry thing.

Now, let's get rational here.  I know that having this limit might be
annoying in `some' cases.  However, a limit of approx. 2 KB of text in a
single text entry box does not seem that much of a limit if you think of it
a little more.  Well, I know that modern computers have lots of spare MB's
of memory to waste, but what type of application would require you to play
around with GtkEntry's having more than 2 KB of text in a single widget?

Point 1: Down with the Library Limits

Someone might argue that such limits should be removed from GTK+.  This is
the approach of `we are gonna make this widget set totally bug free' and it
seems quite appealing, at least at first.

Perhaps, we ought to make this configurable at compile or even run-time. 
Another field in `struct _GtkEntry' along with a couple of `wrapper'
functions, like gtk_entry_get_max_length() and gtk_entry_set_max_length()?

Dunno, I need your help here GTK+ gurus...  Gimme an insight, please.

Havvoc? ...    Anyone? ...

Point 2: Design the Code to Overcome the Limits

Trever, you should ask yourself...

Is the code of your application really in absolute and DESPERATE need of
keeping more than 2 KB of text in a single GtkEntry?  Can the text of the
GtkEntry be split in a `meaningful' way in more than one widgets.  For
instance, instead of keeping "hostname:port" strings, one might prefer to
have two separate GtkEntry's holding the "hostname" and "port" strings...

Can you think of such a way to split the data that is now stored in the
offending GtkEntry's, in order to avoid this limitation of the widget?


Well, these are just some thoughts that popped up this morning (it seems
that when I sleep less than 4 hours I have all these crazy ideas flowing
around in my brains, I should probably do it a lot more often).

G'day all.

     ?     | Giorgos Keramidas       < >
  >(o.o)<  | Phone: +30-932-886457   < >
     ^     | "Today is not yesterday's tomorrow, but tomorrow's yesterday."

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