Re: notebook: pixmaps not shown in last page

hi owen,

> > i don't know if the following is a known bug or what ever..
> > 
> > i create a notebook with some pages. each page has a hbox.
> > inside this hbox i pack some buttons. if a icon (xpm) is
> > found for this button it is used instead of the text label.
> > 
> > so far so good. all seems to work good, BUT: the icons
> > on the last page are not viewed! there are not error messages..
> > hmm..
> > 
> > if you need the source code:
> >
> Actually, what would be really nice is _compileable_ 
> source code. (The smaller the better.)

sorry, at you can find the
homepage of the program incl. link to the sources. nevertheless
here is the source url

relevant source files for "xap": xap.c, xap_gui.c gtk_dlg.c, uri.c, io.c

xap is a small application panel program with text or pixmap labeled
buttons.. ignore the other included program (xtree).

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