Re: Documentation Project

Karl Nelson <> writes:

> Hello, I was reading over the FAQ on the latest gtk documentation
> project and a few questions came to mind.
> The assignee is to hold copyright under some kind of open license.
> Will this open license permit reuse of the documentation in projects
> built on top of gtk?  

With the license under considerations there are some 
small restrictions 

 - If you modify the documentation, you must provide the modifications
   in electronic form.

 - You must say that you are including text from the GTK+
   reference documentation and include a pointer to

I think these restrictions should not inhibit reuse of the 
documentation. Certainly there is no intention to do

> For example, I am a contributor for the gtk+ C++ wrapper, gtk--.   We
> would like to be able to use the documentation of produced for gtk+
> to document our wrapper.  This means that the documentation would
> be placed in our doc system (which means placing it inline in our
> code.) 
> Will such a thing be permitted?
> How will this be handled?
> What copyrights will the assignee have over our code if we encorperate 
> that doc into our code?

The copyright situation is no different than if you had taken 
documentation from, say the GTK+ tutorial, and the copyright 
still belonged to the original author.

The only difference is that, because there is clear ownership
of the copyright on the text, the license terms that the
documenation are under will be clear.


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