Re: New 'GObject' as base for GtkObject?

> In effect this is the opposite of Qt.  In Qt the vfunc is provided
> by the language and then calls the signal from the vfunc.  This allows
> you the freedom to chose to call the signal or not, and to chose
> the order of calling without all those flags.

But the "vfunc" in gtk+ is *also* provided by the language,
in the form of a function pointer in the class object.

Internally there is no problem calling these functions directly...
indeed derivers *must* do this to chain... 

So I don't really see why for once the c++ camp wants to make
things more verbose and less automatic.

Furthermore it takes away a convenient invariant:  if you connect a handler
to a signal, then emit the signal, the handler will be invoked.
Unintuitive I think.


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