Changes-1.2 updates

hi all,

i've just updated the Changes-1.2 file in gtk+/docs to reflect the recent
scrolled window changes:

* Scrolled windows do not create an automatic viewport anymore, and
  self scrolling widgets do not provide their own scrollbars any
  further. Self scrolling widgets of the Gtk+ core currently are
  GtkViewport, GtkCList, GtkCTree, GtkText and GtkLayout. All of
  these widgets can be added to a scrolled window as normal children
  with gtk_container_add() and their scrolling abilities will be setup
  appropriatedly in an automatic manner.
  Widgets that do not implement own scrolling abilities but get added
  to a scrolled window in order to have their allocations scrollable
  inside of the scrolled window (e.g. a GtkList) have first to be added
  to a GtkViewport, and then the viewport needs to be added to the
  scrolled window.
  However, the scrolled window code provides a convenience function to
  achive this:
  gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport() which will do exactly what
  it says, add a child widget to a viewport and put that viewport into
  the scrolled window.
  Scrollbar policy adjustment needs to be perfomed on the scrolled window
  with gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy() and is not longer maintained for
  the child widgets (e.g. GtkCList's gtk_clist_set_policy() got removed).


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